67."A sexy little thief"

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Colby is having the time of his life. He looks over to the passenger seat of his new *cough* stolen *cough* car, just checking his bag of cash.

His messy brown hair fell in his face as he throws his head back and lets out an almighty howl as he tears down the streets with his windows down feeling the wind on his face.

He took this car a few nights ago, and honestly Colby has no idea why he didn't think to get one before, it's literally the sweetest motor he's ever seen.

Drives like a dream, makes the most beautiful noises, and if Colby does say so himself, he rather likes it when pretty noises come from those he's riding.

As he passes yet another flickering street lamp, Colby makes the snap decision to turn down a dodgy, dim lit alley, so he can count his millions.

He knows he should be getting as far away from the hotel as possible, preferably to his crew, but this opportunity is too good to miss.

Counting his cash in a Audi R8, you don't get opportunities like this every day, even in Colby' line of work. Besides, he reckons he's still got roughly six hours before Mr Whatever-His-Name-Was even knows it's missing.

So he parks the car halfway down the alley, a brick wall either side of him and with no light from the city or the sky, Colby is glad he has a torch in his pocket.

He counts the bundles, quickly at first, just to check he's got all three million, then slower, making sure the bundles are full of real notes and not just paper.

He knows the tricks, it would be embarrassing if he got caught by them, Brennen and Aaron would probably throw him out the gang.

Suddenly a torch flashes, as if someone is making their way towards him.
Colby panics, hoping it's not a cop, but he doesn't have time to hide the bag, so he just zips it up and patiently waits for the stranger to walk past.

"Everything alright there, sir?" It's a cop, of course it is. He's got blonde hair shoved under a police cap, one hand in the belt loop of his trousers - next to his baton - and the other gripping the torch tightly, shining it in Colby's face.

Colby winces away from the light and forces himself not to look in to the policeman's eyes. For a conman, he's not very good at lying to a pretty face.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah everything's fine, officer, thank you," he says nervously. Colby's fingers twitch on his lap, itching towards the steering wheel. It'd be absolutely awful if he got nicked, Brennen and Aaron would throw him out for sure.

The police officer frowns, one of those cute kitten frowns, and gazes over Colby's car, but makes no sign of moving. "Nice set of wheels you got here,"

Colby's heart beats loudly in his ears.

"Thank you," he squeaks, he's caught for sure, "I'm a sucker for a good motor,"

"What are you doing driving it at this hour? This is a pretty rough estate, if you aren't careful it'll get keyed," The copper says, Colby gulps, "Or worse, stolen,"

He knows he knows he knows.

Colby forces himself to laugh, "Good point, officer. I'll just be moving along now, good night."

He reaches for the ignition, but the policeman's stern voice stops him abruptly.

"Wait," he says, Colby's hands fall back to his lap. "Can I see your licence please, sir?"

"So polite," he mutters fondly, reaching into the glove compartment for the counterfeit DVLA documents. The police officer snatches them with a scowl and calls on his radio.

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