49.breakups and hookups

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Colby has fancied Sam for a very long time. He had a crush on him before they even met. They more they got to know each other, the harder Colby fell. Before he knew it, Colby was completely and utterly in love with Sam Golbach.

He knows Sam loves him, but in the way one friend loves another. He is convinced that Sam doesn't feel the same way. So Colby decides to kept his mouth shut and his feelings to himself.

Colby was wrong. Sam does feel the same way about him. He would love nothing more then to cuddle the man and smother his face in kisses. He's convinced that Colby doesn't feel the same way. So he quietly pines from a distance and tries to move on with his life.

Part of moving on includes getting getting a boyfriend. Sam has been with Joe nearly six months now. In general, he's content with his relationship. Joe is a nice, quiet man who makes him laugh. They're comparable, but Sam feels as if something is lacking.

He has needs. These are sexual needs that Joe can't really fulfill. They have an alright sex life. Vanilla is the best word Sam can think of to describe it. There is a downside though. Joe doesn't have a kinky bone in his body.

Joe tries and Sam appreciates how hard it is for him. He's usually left unsatisfied though. He wants someone who's rough, kinky, and can dominate him like there's no tomorrow.

Colby hates Joe. He finds him to be smug and pretentious. He can't wrap his mind around why Sam would date Joe in the first place.

He tried at the beginning. When first Sam first brought Joe home, he tried to hang out with them and be pleasant. The more time that passed, the more frustrated Colby became. His jealousy slowly overtook him. It has gotten to the point where Colby doesn't trust himself to be around them. So now when Joe comes over, Colby hides in his room.

Sam thinks about it long and hard. He ways the pros and cons of his relationship with Joe. While they get along, Sam decided that he needs someone more compatible to himself in the sexual sense.

He realizes that he can't keep neglecting his desires. Ignoring his needs has left him wanking off quietly after sex; thoughts of a certain dark haired man swirling around in his mind.

It's a normal Friday night. Colby is curled up on the couch with his laptop watching tv. Sam is out with Joe. Colby was looking forward to a quiet night alone.

The door to the flat suddenly opens. Colby sits up. He furrows his brow when he catches sight of the time. Sam has only been gone a little over an hour. He shouldn't be home yet.

Colby sets his laptop aside and steps into the hall. He reaches it just in time to see Sam's door shut. Unsure of what to do, Colby waits a few minutes to see if Sam will reemerge. When he doesn't, Colby walks down the hall and hesitantly knocks on the door.

"Come in," a muffled voice calls from the other side. Colby opens the door and steps inside. Sam is sitting in the middle of his bed. He's hugging his knees to his chest and resting his tear stained face on his knees. Coby crosses the room and sits next to Sam on the bed. He pulls him into an awkward side hug.

"What's wrong?" Colby asks quietly. Sam sniffs a few times before answering him.

"Joe and I broke up," Sam answers. His voice his small. Colby bites the inside of his lips. Conflicting feelings start waring inside his body. One part of him wants to be there for Sam, to be able to comfort him. The other part of him wants to jump up and dance. With Joe gone, he might now have a chance.

"What happened?" Colby asks. He chooses to be there for Sam. At least outwardly at least. Sam uncurls himself and leans into Colby, placing his head on his shoulder.

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