28.More than this #4

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Colby's heart nearly leapt out of his chest as he was jerked awake by the sound of a door slamming. He sat up slowly, whispered voices floating up and into his ears. He didn't know what was being said or by whom and anxiety began to grate at his nerves. He quietly slid out of bed. He didn't recall Sam telling him that he had plans with Kat and he remembered telling his flatmate-who was sunk into the sofa on his laptop-goodnight before falling asleep earlier than usual.

So, who the hell was in his flat?

The brunette stood there for a few moments, hearing more muffled words and bumps that seemed to get closer. He decided he should probably check it out. Colby grabbed a particularly heavy binder, full of papers covered in things varying from video ideas to important work documents from their sozial media, before leaving his room. He'd need something to hit the intruder with, right?

Sam's door was closed and there was no evidence of light coming from it and Colby's fear muddled mind made him forget to even try to alert Sam of the evident break in.

The house was dark and it was making his body shake in fear, but Colby kept himself from turning any light on in order to save himself from the axe murderer that was obviously in their house. He crept quietly down his halls, peering into the lounge only to find a bit of a mess left by Sam. He clicked his tongue, only to cover his mouth with the binder.

Be quiet.

He moved around the corner and fully into the lounge and with one glance around, he deemed it safe. He went to move onto the next room when he heard a loud thump. Suddenly, he felt extremely vulnerable. Colby dropped the binder, nearly falling onto his face as he rushed up the stairs to Sam's room.

"Sam!" He nearly screamed as he flung the bedroom's door open. With his nerves on end, the very high pitched-and female-yelp he received in reply made him toss the binder towards the bed. It hit someone with a very painful thud and that's when Colby's heart calmed enough that he could focus on the scene in front of him.

Surrounded by scattered papers, Sam was lying on his bed shirtless with Kartina straddling his hips, her arms crossed over her equally bare chest. Colby's stomach dropped and he started to stutter out an apology with a red face before quickly leaving the room. He immediately relocated himself to his own bedroom where he flopped onto the bed. He glanced at the time. 2:43 a.m.

He guessed that all the sounds he heard was the couple stumbling about. Colby tossed his duvet over his head, face buried into the pillow, trying to wipe the image out of his head. His heart returned to a normal pace and his nerves calmed, he felt exhaustion once again wash over him, the sounds of Sam and Kat's voices tuning out slowly.


Colby knew he couldn't have been asleep longer than ten minutes before he came to with someone shaking him. He opened his eyes, blearily looking around. As things came into focus, he uncovered his head, sighing as cool air hit him. Over him stood a slightly annoyed looking Sam.

Colby was a bit taken aback as he sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes, "Sam? Where's...Kat?" The short lived bliss of forgetting what he saw shattered and when he blinked he saw the girl perched atop his best friend all over again.

"She left," He grumbles, "After you passed out at nine, I got bored. So, I invited her over. We ended up drinking," Colby was tempted to say that he knew because the strong smell of alcohol on Sam's breath was fanning over his face, but he decided being quiet was a better idea right now. "And things escalated. When you barged in, though, she said that she was too drunk to be making decisions like that and left."

"Oh," Colby looked away. "So, what? You're mad that I interrupted you getting some? Better than her waking up and regretting it, you know."

"It's fine," Sam breathed, pulling the blankets away from Colby. He ran his hand over the brunette's chest, sliding it down his arm and taking his wrist, pinning it above his head. He repeated the action on the other arm and Colby swallowed hard. "I'm glad she decided not to do something she regretted, I should be thanking you really." Sam leaned in and brushed his lips over Colby's exposed collar making him gasp, "But I'll thank you after you've gotten rid of the painful hard on you've managed to indirectly leave me with."

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