A Best Friend to Her.

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You are a good friend to me.
A best friend to her.
But it angers me how easily you hurt her.

This has nothing to do with me, I don't want to get in the way of your friendship, but sometimes I just wish I could yell at your face and break all your bones.

You have always been a little rude to her and for the one time she is not all rainbows and bunnies to you, you get angry.

You act like such a fucking adult but then get angry at her for not waking you up.

And I know you just want her to be happy and not get hurt but you are not her father. You can't tell her what she can or can't do but you do it all the time.

It's not your choice, and it's not mine, it's hers and she should be able to do whatever the fuck she wants without your consent or without being afraid of you getting mad.

We are teenagers for Christ sake, I'm not saying we should make mistakes on purpose but one way or another we are going to make mistakes.

We are gonna dye our hair crazy colours if we want to.

We are gonna get piercing if we want to.

Smoke if we want to.

And drink if we want to.

And it's not because she drinks and you think it's disgusting that she is less of a person or she's going to stop doing it, you don't own her.

It's her life, don't you get it?

All of this unnecessary drama is only hurting her, and you. Because I know you have good intentions and you love her more than anything.

And if you two just talked this could have been avoided.

Yes, your problem is her "attitude" but you also mentioned that she now spends all her time with me and never with you.

We are dating and you are not the only one in her life anymore, of course she will spend time with other people besides you. But she talks to you and asks how you are every fucking day, so when you want to mention that part don't forget that you don't do the same now that you like a girl.

I know this is a problem between you both but I can't help but to feel guilty. Because she is spending time with me and I can't help but to feel that if she wasn't you wouldn't be having this problem.

I hope you guys sort it out.

Because you are a good friend to me.
A best friend to her.

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