35 ∘ Baseball (BPOV)

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October 28th 2016

“How’s the weather, Alice?” Carlisle asked her. He was holding Esme’s hand as he read a book, and Alice was gazing into Jasper’s eyes. I never interrupted their silent conversations. It felt too intruding.

“Pretty bad.”

“Why do you ask?” Jazz wondered.

Carlisle raised his eyebrows, smiling. “It’s been a while since we had a game.”

“I’m in.” Emmett was downstairs in a flash, grinning from ear to ear.

I didn’t know what to think. I’d seen them play, of course. It ended up being pretty traumatic.

Besides, it was seen and heard through my human eyes and ears. When I look back, the memory is muddy and incoherent.

At least, this time, they won’t have to look after and be careful around me. They don’t have to hold back their instincts or protect me from a ruthless hunter. They were free to be themselves, and I was able to really join this time.

We have storms all the time in Forks. I wonder why we haven’t played the last ten years.

“I’ll go call Edward.” Ending up in his old bedroom, I opened the French doors, then dangled my legs as I sat on the edge. I dialed quickly, and he answered on the second ring.

“Bella?” I didn’t usually call him while he was out, so he was immediately concerned.

“Everything’s fine. Alice said there’s gonna be a storm, so Carlisle and Emmett want to play baseball. How long are you and Jacob gonna be?”

“About thirty minutes. Is Renesmee home?”

“Not yet, but she should be soon.”

The receiver shuffled, and Jacob’s voice sounded confused. “Did she go somewhere?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “After you two left for Port Angeles this morning. She had a meeting with Kalona’s father.”

“Oh. Okay. We’ll see you soon, Bells.”

“Bye, Jake.”

After Nessie and the boys got home, we arrived on the field in fifteen minutes, and Edward opened the passenger door open for me. We held hands past the waterfall, and met everyone in the center.

Emmett was making dents in the ground—very far away from each other—for the bases. The smile never left his face.

Carlisle and Rosalie were playing to see who batted first, Alice was setting up at the pitcher’s stand, and Jasper was making a ring around the field while Esme took place as Umpire.

I’d never played any sport. I’m sure I’d do fine, but I was nervous. They were used to playing a certain way, with only seven players. Now it was a game for ten.

Emmett decided we’d do teams: Carlisle as captain, with him, me, Alice, and Jacob. We were against Rosalie as captain, with Esme, Edward, Renesmee, and Jasper.

“Are you ready to lose?” Jasper asked me.

I winked at Edward before I said, “Go team!” He laughed and held his eyes on me, remembering the first time we were in this field to play the game.

Rosalie’s first was a strike, then she hit a home run. Jacob almost caught it, then when he reached the ball after it landed, he almost crushed it.

Edward also had a home run. With how fast he is, it was nearly impossible for me to reach it in time.

But almost a tie. A fourth of a second after he reached base is when it hit my fingertips.

I groaned, and he held in most of his laughter as he encouragingly patted my back.

“Next time,” he said, without an ounce of belief in his voice. Emmett came up behind us and whacked Edward out of the way so he could wrap his monstrous arms around me. He pulled me to the outfield, and we waited together as Renesmee came up to bat.

It was easy for Carlisle to catch it, and Nessie faked a long sigh at her loss. Esme held her hand, and told her they’d practice.

Esme had always played ref, but since we had an even number now, she was able to join. She couldn’t do anything about their dishonesty, no matter how hard she tried.

It was four to nothing by the time we switched sides. Carlisle was first, then Emmett, then me.

It was easier than I imagined. My vision automatically zoomed in on the ball in Jasper’s hand.

I barely held back as I swung, and the loudest sound of all of us vibrated through the air. The thunder and lightening echoed off the mountains nearby.

I didn’t wait before I started running. I heard Edward’s sharp intake of breath as he took off toward the ball, and Emmett couldn’t stop guffawing with surprise and glee.

I hit home before I heard the ball crash to Edward’s hand.

Barely four seconds had passed since Jazz pitched, and I was jumping into Emmett’s and Jacob’s arms. Carlisle ruffled my hair behind them, and we were all loudly enjoying ourselves. Alice was rubbing my victory in Edward’s face. He rolled his eyes, but I could tell he was holding back a prideful smile.

He stroke across the rest of the field, his eyes never leaving mine. He held me, kissing me with such a passion that the ground shook.

Or maybe it was just me.

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