30 ∘ Hope (RPOV)

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October 4th 2016

I stood still in the forest, listening intently to my surroundings.

Birds singing... leaves crunching in the wind... squirrels gnawing on twigs... foxes squealing... the heavy, wet heartbeats of elk...

My calming reverie was cut short when my phone rang. I huffed as I dug it out of my pocket.

I didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway, moving to lean against a tree. “Hello?”

“Hi, is this Vanessa Wolfe?”

I felt ice in my veins, and my feet stopped shuffling automatically. “Yes, who’s this?”

“My apologies, I should have led with that.” The voice was slightly embarrassed. “This is Morrison Bradley. I’m calling to talk to you about the scholarship.”

“Oh. I got a phone call a few days ago, saying I didn’t get it.” I sighed.

“I’m aware, because I wanted to make you a counteroffer.”

I gasped silently, and it took a long second for me to compose myself again. He continued.

“I’m the one who made the decision on that. I thought you deserved something more than a scholarship. Your artwork is exquisite, and extremely enhanced compared to anyone I’ve ever seen or heard of at your age. You have amazing potential for something big. I was wondering if you’d consider an internship to go along with the scholarship? Well, not really an internship... You would be doing a little more than observing and getting coffee.” He paused to chuckle. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“But you’d also be getting paid. You would be working in my main office, which is near the art school you’d be attending. Does that sound at all interesting to you?”

I breathed a laugh. “Yes! Absolutely! Thank you! What would I need to do?”

“I have an art project assigned for you, but it’ll be better explained on paper than over the phone. Are you available to meet anytime soon?”

“I’m free all week.” My smile had not yet faltered.

“Great! How’s two days from now, around three o’clock?”

“That sounds perfect!”

“Excellent. You won’t be seeing me, you’ll be seeing my son. He works in that office, too.”

“Kalona?” I asked.

“Yes. You’ve met him?”

“Briefly, the day of the interview. Thank you so much, Mr. Bradley. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.”

“I hope not.” He laughed. “I very much look forward to seeing your finished masterpiece. Have a good day, Ms. Wolfe.”

“You, as well.” As soon as I heard the click of the call ending, my feet started bouncing lightly. I screamed, then jumped up and down excitedly.

My breathing was shallow, but heavy. My heart felt like it was being lifted out of my chest.

There was a very good chance I’d be getting everything I’ve ever wanted soon: Jacob, art school, and a starting career in something I’d thoroughly enjoy.

I swiftly made my way home, listening for the heartbeat that would direct me to my fiancé.

I didn’t block my mind out now. Mostly because I was too thrilled to try, but also because it was finally time for me to announce the truth.

“Jacob! Jacob!” I yelled as I was closing in on the house.

“Ness?” He got up from his seat when I ran into the room.

I didn’t slow my pace, causing me to roughly bump into him. If he weren’t so strong, the weight would have made us tumble to the ground.

I got in!

It took half a second for him to realize what I meant, then his face matched mine. He picked me up, twirling me numerous times. “Oh, honey, congratulations!”

“What’s going on?” My mom came into the room, holding my dad’s hand. His face was a mixture of confusion and pride, having heard parts of the story in both of our heads.

“I’ve been waiting to tell you guys until I got a confirmation, just in case it didn’t happen... I applied to an art school, and I just got the phone call.” I turned back to Jake. “And it wasn’t just the scholarship. Morrison wants to offer me a paid internship in his main office.”

My heart felt light again, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so big.

I stretched myself up to level with Jacob, and I kissed him with a fiery passion that reached our souls.

It didn’t last too long, since we weren’t alone. I felt their impatience as their eyes burned holes in the back of my head, waiting desperately to ask questions.

I parted my lips from Jake’s, turning around to face them again.

“Where is it?” Aunt Rose asked. She was sitting at the piano with Uncle Jazz.

“Ligonier, Pennsylvania.”

Mom held her arms open for me. I happily jumped into them. “I’m so proud of you,” she gushed.

“You’ve wanted this for a long time.” Dad swiped my hair back, making me look at him. I felt tears prickle in my eyes, and he wiped them away.

“Happy tears,” I chuckled. He and Mom briefly looked at each other, smiling wider for a second.

After I told them when the school year would be starting, Jacob and I walked to the cottage.

“Are you hungry?” he asked after I sat down. He kissed my cheek, then headed to the kitchen.

“Starved.” I smiled. “I’ll put a movie in.”

We ate, then I gazed at his sleeping face when he started snoring.

I moved closer to his warmth and as if he sensed what I wanted, he pulled me in. I quickly sank into unconsciousness.

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