•❊To Say❊•

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This imagine isn't very well written, so my apologies for wasting your time!




You opened your eyes, awaking to the beautiful sight of sunlight beams streaming the windows. A small smile formed on your face as you sat up, running your fingers through your hair. The sun was bright, yet the morning was cold. Birds could be heard chirping outside, and the air smelled fresh. Throwing the covers off, you sat there for a moment longer before getting to your feet.

A sigh escaped your lips as you walked toward the bathroom door. You pushed it open and stepped inside, standing in front of the mirror above the sink. Your skin was dry, and your eyes were swollen. Turning on the tap, you gathered some water in the palms of your hands before splashing it on your face, making you feel more awake.

You turned off the tap and stared at your reflection once more. Work had been stressful, and the effects were beginning to manifest slowly. You worked as a lawyer for a prestigious law firm, and since you were good at your job - you usually stayed at the office for long hours. You were one of the best at what you did.

You were a successful woman, and you lived on your own in a beautiful apartment.

Rubbing your face gently, you jumped when you heard the telephone ringing. You turned around and exited the bathroom before opening the bedroom door. Stepping out, you left it open as you ran to the kitchen - seeing as that was where the telephone was located.

"Hello?" you answered after picking up the receiver.

"I go up, but I never come down, what am I?" your best friend, Michael Jackson, greeted you.

Yes, your best friend was the one and only - King of Pop. The two of you had been best friends for three years, and you trusted him more than you trusted yourself.

You laughed a little and shook your head. Michael usually started conversations with you with a riddle. Most times, it made you laugh - but sometimes it did get frustrating when you could not figure out the answer.

He could spend hours just waiting for you to get the answer right. He would never answer the riddles himself.

"Age," you answered.

"Correct! Well done!" he laughed. "Now how is my favorite girl doing?" he asked, and you could tell that he was smiling.

You giggled and sighed. "I'm just getting ready for work," you groaned a little. "Another day of stress,"

"Tell me about it, I have rehearsals today," he responded. "I wish I could stay in bed for the rest of the day - I hate early mornings," he continued. "So you're going to the office today, right?"

"Yes," you chuckled. "That's what I just said," you moved your feet slightly. "I wish I could stay all day in bed as well,"

"However, life is cruel, and we both have to do things that we don't necessarily want to do. Don't get me wrong, I love performing - but the early morning rehearsals are a pain," it was his turn to groan, making you giggle again.

"I feel you," you tried your best to stop yourself from laughing. Michael always made your day.

Michael joined in, and laughed as you did the same. A moment passed before he took in a deep breath. "Ah, (Y/N), I'd better get going, I have a short meeting before rehearsals, I'll try to call you later. Take care,"

"Okay, take care as well," you giggled once more before the call became disconnected.

You placed the telephone receiver down in its respective spot, and turned around on your heels. A wide smile was present on your face. You loved Michael a great deal, he was the best thing that had ever happened to you. You weren't afraid to admit to yourself that you loved the man in a romantic manner, but that was something you were never going to reveal to him.

The both of you were best friends, and you intended to keep it that way. The last thing you wanted to do was betray his trust.

You spent a few more minutes standing there, letting your mind linger on the thought of Michael. He was a good man, and a good friend - you were sure that you would learn to deal with your feelings on your own.

Shaking your head, you began to make your way toward your room. It was time to get ready for work.


Once you were ready, you grabbed your purse and your keys, and you walked out of the front door of the flat - with your black heels on. Once you were outside, you pulled the door shut and walked toward the car that you owned. Unlocking it, you opened the door and got in before shutting it. Leaning back against the seat, you stuck your key into the ignition and started the car - the sound, of the engine coming alive, filling your ears.

You drove out of the driveway, and sped along the road. The vehicle moved along, and you kept your eyes focused on what you were doing. The morning was quiet, and there were a few children playing along the pavement. They looked so happy, and it made you smile. The sight of the children reminded you of when you were a kid.

You drove along for the next thirty minutes before you finally pulled to a stop outside of the building that you worked at. Biting your lip, you parked the car and brought the engine to a stop. A sigh escaped your lips as you grabbed your purse and keys, opening the door and getting out before pushing it shut. Using your keys, you locked the door before tossing it into your purse.

Many people were walking up and down, and the city streets were busy, a far cry from the way the streets looked back home. In the city, the morning was not quiet. Instead, it was alive in every sense of the word.

You walked into the building, and moved past the receptionist. She smiled at you, and you waved at her as you rushed for the elevator. You pressed the button and the doors opened, making you walk in.

Turning around, you pressed the button to the floor that you worked on. The doors closed, and the elevator moved up. You were alone, so you hummed a soft tune as you moved up. Your eyes were slightly tired, but your mind was awake.

The contraption came to a stop, and the doors opened. You stepped out and walked to your office.

A few colleagues greeted you, and you greeted them back. You opened the door to your office, and saw that a bunch of red roses were on your desk. A frown formed on your face as you closed the door, walking up to the flowers. They were fresh, and they smelled good.

There was a small card that sat in between the roses, and you picked it up, reading what was written.

(Y/N), you are more beautiful than any rose. There's something I need to tell you. I'll pick you up from the office at five. Please wait for me.


This one sucked, my apologies!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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