Chapter 11(interrogations are frustrating with rambling demigods)

Start from the beginning

"Alright," Bruce said, "who's going to question him?"

"The mighty Perseus should not be locked up. He is a hero and should not be treated as a criminal." Thor stated.

"Thor, we cannot treat Perseus as anything other than a criminal unless you tell us why you think he is a hero. We have proof that he is a potential terrorist or at least a mischief maker." Steve said.

"I am forbidden from speaking of such matters, but I will not allow harm to come to the boy and can assure you that if anything does happen you will have more than just me to deal with." Thor replied.

Natasha narrowed her eyes. She would get to the bottom of this. "Tony, you go in first."

"But whyyyyy......"

"Because you were the first to confront him and therefore should be the first to try to get information from him."

"Fine," Tony huffed crossing his arms.

Tony entered the room and sat down in the chair opposite Perseus.

"Finally," I said, "I thought you'd never come. I was getting bored." I leaned back, as far as I could cuffed to the table.

"Perseus Jackson, you are here.."

"It's Percy, I don't go by my full name."

"Fine, Perseus Jackson," I glared. He shrunk back a bit but then recovered. "you are here because we have records of events that mark you as a terrorist." I started laughing.

"Seriously," I said chuckling, "that's why I'm here? Oh, this is hilarious. I'm not a terrorist. I just happen to have bad luck and get mixed up in bad situations."

"What about the St. Louis Arch?"

"Nope, you kidnapped me. I'm too traumatized to answer questions. Especially to a stranger who has previously attacked me." I said fake sniffling.

"You will answer the questions whether you feel like it or not." Tony said starting to get annoyed.

"No." I said jutting out my chin childishly. I also tried to cross my arms but the restraints didn't let me so I settled for just pouting.

"Why did you blow up the St. Louis Arch?" Tony tried again.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." I said smirking at Tony's frustration.

"I am the billionaire Tony Stark aka Iron Man one of the Avengers who has saved the world." How could you not have heard of me?!" I shrugged.

"I've heard a little bit about you from my girlfriend but other than that not much. I don't really have time to watch the news." I said. "When can I leave again? I should get going, I have places to be people to see."

"You're not going anywhere"

"Oh," I said realizing something. "You said you were a millionaire right?"


"Whatever, but with that money you could totally remodel this room. It's really stereotypical. I mean, all gray? Come on. You need more color. And this chair is really uncomfortable. And what's with these cuffs. Innocent until proven guilty, right? You should really consider making this room more comfortable. And dark with the one light shinning on me? Please. That is so not intimidating. It's rather ridiculous if you ask me. And that one-way window thingie isn't fooling anyone. Why not just get a regular window? All in all I rate this room a .5 out of 10, and that's being generous. Now, if you would be so kind as to remove these cuffs I should get going."

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