Chapter 30 [Taehyung's Story pt.1]

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Member of the Korean Secret Intelligence
Status: Alive
Training: Ongoing
Ranking: None

Age 6

A child's blood curdling scream pierced through the walls of a top secret facility in rural Thailand. To normal people, such fearful, distressing cry would've been enough to haunt them endlessly for years to come.

But not to the woman standing before Kim Taehyung, a six year old Korean boy tied to a chair along with four other kids, all with their scaly crocodile feet bound on top of a wooden bench in front of them.

The young woman, dressed in a professional black suit, paraded amongst them. But their tearful, frightened eyes weren't on her. Instead, it was on the lit cigarette in between her fingers.

"Please, Lisa noona..." Taehyung begged as loud as he could, desperate to get his pleas across to the ears of the woman.

Clad in a sweat soaked shirt and dirty pants, everyday he would be forced to endure torture as part of training to be a secret agent. According to the adults in the KSI, the first thing to learn before even learning how to spell was knowing how to shut up and not leak any information about the KSI, even if it meant dying under the hands of an enemy.

"Tut tut tut." Lisa's expensive high heels stopped in front of him and the poor boy's face turned sickeningly pale. Kneeling down to his level, she raised a thin finger to lift his chin up. "Those aren't the right words, sweety."

The other kids flinched when a sizzling sound crackled in the thick air around them as a horrid smell of charred burning flesh permeated into their noses. Watching in horror, Lisa stubbed the lit cigarette into the bottom of Taehyung's foot, causing the wooden bench to rattle against the stony floor as he writhed in immense pain.

Only this time, not a single sound came from him as he curled his lips into his teeth, forcing himself to make no noise. He knew, that by making a scream, or even a little whimper, would earn the punishment of being burnt again and again until he learnt to stop showing any sort of emotion. Because to the KSI, showing emotion equals to weakness. 

Hot fluid leaked from the leg of Taehyung's pants and trickled to the floor as he unintentionally peed himself. Biting on his lower lip hard till it bled, Taehyung fought his internal self to stifle the cry from escaping his petite body.

"Do you want to correct yourself now, Taetae?" She released the cigarette from his foot finally, rolling it in between her fingers as she looked to him expectantly. Her monstrous eyes bore no human emotion whatsoever; her face heartless and cruel.

Closing his eyes briefly to refuse any tears from escaping, he nodded.

"No emotion, no feelings, no fear. Complete the mission. I belong to the KSI." The words flowed out of his cracked lips freely as if he chanted them a thousand times before.

Lisa took a long look at him, checking for any tears. He prayed hard. So hard that he did well this time and not allow a single drop escape from the end of his eyes. And if it did, he hoped to god that it flowed into the sweat on his face.

Satisfied finally, Lisa nodded and his chest caved in underneath him as he drew out a breath, relieved that his turn was over.

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