Harry Potter| Power of the Twins

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Requested by: WriterGirlme

Prompt: Self Given

Warnings: None

Extra: 3rd POV



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From the moment the hat called out (Y/n)'s house, her future was set. She was only slightly disappointed she didn't get into Gryffindor like her sister did. The fact that she was a witch was exciting enough for her. When Hermione came home after her first year at Hogwarts with stories upon stories of amazing adventures, (Y/n) wanted nothing more to be a part of them.

For the most part, she had that chance. Being related to a member of the Golden Trio gave her an in. She got to know Harry and Ron, befriending them. With Ron came Ginny, and with Ginny came Neville. With Luna being her closest friend in Ravenclaw, their little group was tightly knit.

While fighting a Basilisk, assisting Sirius Black escape from Azkaban, and being a part of what was most likely the last Triwizard tournament was exhilarating, there was one adventure (Y/n) had been unwilling pulled into. Falling in love.

It was cliche. But it happened, and (Y/n) couldn't help it when it did. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was (Y/n)'s adventure. And she was still reeling over the fact.

Hermione and (Y/n) had been invited to the Burrow for the last two weeks of summer. Along with the two Granger sisters, would be Harry. Hermione was ecstatic over the fact that the friends would be together again before school actually started. She was also bothering (Y/n) non-stop about whether or not she would be able to muster up the courage and tell Harry about her true feelings. (Y/n)'s simple answer was no.

Neither of the Granger girls knew it at the time, but there was a higher, stronger force pushing Harry and (Y/n) together. One that would stop at nothing until their goal was complete.

That force was the Weasley Twins.


Harry was freaking out.

Not just freaking out. He was losing his mind. Running up and down every level of the Weasley home. He lost it, he couldn't believe he actually lost it. He was always so careful about putting it back in his trunk or somewhere he knew he would be able to find it, but no one else would.

"Whatcha looking for Potter?" George popped out of seemingly nowhere, a large smirk on his face. It raised some suspicions with Harry, but the twins were known for always having smirks on their faces so it seemed normal enough.

"Nothing, I just, lost something important," Harry immediately winced when the contradictory statement left his mouth, "I mean, it's not- I just need it back."

"Really?" Fred stepped up next to his twin, "You wouldn't be looking for a diary, would you?"

"It's not a-" Harry processed their words, they knew where it was. And if they knew where it was, they probably read it, "Where is it?"

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