Chapter Twenty-Five: The Girls Take the Spotlight

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Chapter Twenty-Five: The Girls Take the Spotlight

Katherine groaned as the Kelly siblings dragged her away into Kenny's closet, devious smirks on both of their faces. She knew that whatever was coming would not be good for her.
"Kathy, Kathy, Kathy. You gotta thing for Sarah, don't cha?" Jack gloated. Katherine's eyes squeezed closed as she cringed.
"Is it that obvious?" She asked a bit timidly.
"Oh, of course it is. But it's just as obvious that she likes you back," Kenny wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, and Katherine smacked her friend in a playful way. "Aw, c'mon Kath, we all know you're into her. All of us know about the fanfiction you wrote." Katherine's face turned a bright scarlet as Kenny revealed this, and she pushed past the Kellys and stormed out of Kenny's room.
Only to immediately run into Sarah, knocking both girls over.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry are you okay?" Katherine asked, scrambling to get up so that she could help Sarah.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied as she took Katherine's outstretched hand. "Y'know, this is vaguely familiar, as if I read it in a fanfiction somewhere... somewhere in your room, that is." Sarah grinned widely as Katherine's face turned yet another shade of red. As Katherine was stunned into place, Sarah simply winked at the slightly older girl and flounced past her to join the others downstairs.
Sarah teased Katherine for the next week about her fanfictions, until eventually Katherine found her own ammunition.
After walking Les to his parents' house, the Jacobses invited Katherine inside as it was below freezing outside. Gratefully agreeing, Katherine made her way into Sarah's room, and was shocked by what she saw on her crush's desk. Fan art. Drawings, of the two of them. Some were of scenes from her fanfictions. After the awe passed over, smugness set in.
The next day, while at the Manhattan Newsies Family™'s house, Katherine cornered Sarah.
"So Sare, do anything interesting lately?" As Sarah shook her head, Katherine continued. "Maybe draw anything?" Sarah shook her head faster, but it was too late. "Yknow, some of them seemed very familiar, as if I'd read them somewhere..." Katherine winked at Sarah as she trailed off, stepping around the girl to go join Kenny in making macaroni art with Race. (Kenny had been watching Daisy so the girl wouldn't make a mess, but the little one lost interest. Now Kenny was babysitting one of her manz as he tried his hand at art).
The two girls continued to tease each other and skirt around their feeling, but it didn't take very long for this to annoy all of the single Newsies — and even some of those who were in relationships. Eventually they began annoying Katherine as much as humanly possible, begging her to just ask Sarah out already. And so she did. But after two weeks of being begged by the Newsies, simply because she liked to see them beg.
"So, uh, Sarah?" She started, not knowing quite how to ask. The two were in the backyard of the house, having been exiled there to confront their feelings during a game of hide and seek (they were actually supposed to be counting since they were the seekers, but everyone knew why the two girls had been unanimously chosen by the hiders).
"Yes, Kat?" Sarah smiled softly at the reporter, anxious to hear what she had to say.
"Okay so, uh, obviously there's... something here," Katherine gestured between the two of them, "and, uh, I-I just, uh, um -"
"SARAH, WHAT MY DEAREST KATHERINE IS TRYING TO SAY IS 'GIRL YOU FINE, WANNA GO OUT?'" Kenny yelled from an upstairs window before running to a hiding spot. Sarah grinned and laughed.
"Of course, Kattie. Sometime tomorrow?"
"Yeah, does brunch work for you?" Sarah nodded in response. Both girls were grinning like Jack and Davey at their wedding.
"HEY LOVAGIRLS, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FINDIN' US!" Spot yelled from the upstairs window before sprinting back to his hiding spot. The two girls laughed before heading back inside to find everyone.
The next morning Sarah returned to her house, her mother (and David, but mostly her mother) helping her get ready. Esther did the girl's hair into a beautiful, half-up half-down style, pairing it with a white dress (because Sarah's Pure AF™) and some natural-looking makeup. All in all, not too stressful and very enjoyable for all parties involved.
Katherine, on the other hand, required a bit more help. Though she refused to get ready in the Newsies' house, she dragged Kenny with her over to her own apartment. They were met by Bill and Darcy, since they were Katherine's best friends and the only ones she trusted to help her aside from Kenny.
Bill was in charge of makeup, despite only knowing how to apply the substances on clowns, while Darcy and Kenny were on hair — a bad mix, as Darcy could only do guys' hair and Kenny couldn't work a flat iron to save her life. After about twenty minutes of the three struggling, Hannah (Pulitzer's secretary and Katherine's basically surrogate mom) came and saved the day. She had Katherine ready in ten minutes, and the girl hurried to the café where she was supposed to have met Sarah five minutes prior.
Their date went very well, and the two girls decided to go out to Medda's to see a show the next night. They had a grand time, Medda ensuring they had a wonderful view and keeping an eye on them for the Newsies. Though Katherine was still nervous and timid, Sarah took initiative and kissed the older girl during one of the Bowery Beauties' numbers. They returned home with huge smiles, and left all of the single Newsies absolutely jealous.

Because Sarah and Katherine were total #goals

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