Acknowledgements & Credit

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Acknowledgements & Credit (because I give credit where credit is due.)

This AU is based off of a thread of comments (with minimal tweaks for continuity's sake) on the story My Cigar by KachowKatrina. Go read that story & look for the comment thread for the origin of this book.

Credit must be given to ErosArrows for starting the thread, and also to lifeishappening  for prompting us when prompting was needed and also for adding some bits and pieces to the story. Also to Ra1nbowSkittles for adding parts to the story as well. And to ErosArrows 's friend Flora for adding to the thread as well.

Thanks to KachowKatrina (again) for saying that she (it? they?) was living for the thread and calling it a New York Times Bestseller because that is what prompted me to turn it into a full-fledged fic.

ALSO the character of Kenny Kelly is used in this story. She's Jack's little sister and she is NOT MINE, NOR IS SHE KachowKatrina 's. She belongs to PeterPansEyebrows and is from her fic Brooklyn Baby. So go check that out too.

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