Chapter Thirty and a Half: More Fun Factsies

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Chapter Thirty and a Half: More Fun Factsies

Factsie #4: Javey™ sing 'You are my Sunshine' to Daisy every night, because she brought some much-needed light to their lives. Daisy loves when Jack sings the words wrong by accident, but her favorite nights are when David messes up.

Because it's proof that her Daddy isn't a perfect robot and that he is, in fact, human.

Factsie #5: Spot, Race, Kenny, and Albert read at least one bedtime story to the triplets (normally it's either 2-3 books or 2-3 chapters of a book) every night. The four go all out, doing all of the funny voices and fully committing to the acting.

Because, as we all know, the ot4 has zero chill.

Factsie #6: All of the newsies, plus whoever from the extended family is in the house, complain about this every night. Mostly because they're jealous, but they'd never admit it. But every night, they stand outside of the kids' doors to listen to the song and stories (and then have to scatter when Kenny carries Alexis from the boys' room back to her room with Daisy).

Because the newsies are a Very Nosey Group™ (in the best way)

A/N: Fifteen chapters ago was the last Fun Factsies, so I figured it was time for another one. [AKA, there was content that I didn't know how to fit in otherwise so... here ya go lol] [Also my plan to work on writing has been halted by a vacation but yay to earlier me for working ahead!]

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