Chapter Twenty-Four: The Jacobses Make an Appearance

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Chapter Twenty-Four: The Jacobses Make an Appearance

    David, Les, and Sarah had an unsettling realization a few days later: despite their parents knowing that the older two had moved out and into homes with their friends, they had no idea that their son was married or had a daughter. David, being the Purest of Pure Middle Child™, decided that it was the perfect time for a family dinner at his parents' house - and a perfect time for them to meet Jack and Daisy. And so, the two Jacobses and the three Sullivan-Kelly-Jacobses made the trek across the city to the home of  Esther and Mayer Jacobs.

    When they arrived, Mrs. Jacobs opened the door and smiled at her son and daughter, and the vaguely familiar man dressed like a cowboy that accompanied them. Les and Daisy ran right past her and into the apartment, Les dragging his niece by the hand so he could show her all of his toys.

    "David, Sarah, how good to see you!" She pulled David into a hug, kissing the top of his head. He blushed and guided his mother into the house, Sarah and Jack following behind them.

    "Momma, Poppa, you remember Jack, don't you? He was Les and my's selling partner before the strike broke out? We brought him over for dinner that one time?"

    "Of course, David, how could we forget?" Mayer laughed. "Good to see you again, son!" He held his hand out to Jack, who proceeded to instinctively spit in his own hand before freezing. He looked at David in slight fear and major embarrassment, maintaining eye contact with his husband as he lowered his hand to his side and wiped the spit off of his palm and onto his pant leg before turning back to his father-in-law. He shook Mayer's hand, no spit involved, and smiled in relief as he saw the amused glint in the older man's eyes. The five sat down at the dinner table, Les and Daisy opting to eat at the "kids' table" set up in Les's bedroom. They ate their meal in peace, without any shock (as per Jack's request; he wanted to torture Davey by making him wait and dwell in his anxiety for as long as possible). Afterwards the Jacobses (and the Sullivan-Kelly-Jacobses) made their way to the living room so that they could talk for a bit longer. Les and Daisy finally rejoined the group as well, Daisy clambering up into Jack's lap as he sat on the sofa. He repositioned her on his lap so that he could still see everyone else in the room and set about fixing her now-askew pigtails.

    "And who is this little darling?" Esther asked as she leaned over and playfully poked Daisy's nose, causing the girl to giggle.

    "This is Daisy," Jack grinned as he looked at the little girl on his lap proudly.

    "Oh, your daughter, how cute! Where's her mother?" Jack and David glanced at each other as they listened to Esther's question.

    "He's ah, he's right there," Jack pointed across the room to David.

"PLOT TWIST!" Les yelled, jumping up from his spot on the couch and startling everyone.

"PLOT TITS!" Daisy yelled, mimicking her uncle. Jack snickered at her mispronunciation, causing David to shoot his a glare for his dirty-mindedness.

"Well, I liked it, so I put a ring on it," Jack muttered as he and David held up their left hands to show off their rings. Sarah giggled at her brother-in-law's reference.

"It was a beautiful ceremony," Les reminisced. Daisy giggled and poked his cheek, causing him to drop the far-away look on his fae and stick his tongue out at her, making her laugh harder.

"So who's.. How.."
    "She's adopted," Sarah stopped her mother from offending someone.

"HALLELUJAH!" Esther pointed to her husband "YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" Mayer grumbled a bit as her pulled the bill out of his wallet and handed it to his wife.

"You was bettin' on Daddy and Poppa?" Daisy asked, cocking her head adorably.

"You was bettin' on us?" David copied his daughter exactly, cocking his head in the exact same way. His parents just nodded at him.

"We've been going down to Sheepshead to see the races, and this couple's taught us so much about betting. The girl kinda reminds me of you, Jack. She and this blond guy with a cigar.." Mayer trailed off as he noticed the disgruntled expressions gracing the faces of his son and son-in-law.

"Hey losers!" The awkward moment was cut short by Katherine, who had arrived to say hello to the Jacobses as she did every night and to pick up Daisy so that the girl wouldn't miss her bedtime. However, she nearly fainted as she realized how nice Sarah looked. "Oh h-hi, Sarah. Heya Les. Hi Mayer, Esther, how are you tonight? Okay, I'm just-just gonna take Daisy and ah, tell Kenny and Race they better prepare for when you guys get back okay bye!" Katherine grabbed Daisy and hurried out of the apartment. Jack and David, knowing their well-spoken friend too well, smirked at each other as they noticed Sarah's blush.

Because the Manhattan Newsies Family™ was about to become a whole lot gayer if they had anything to say about it.

A/N: Hello hello hello!! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! If you don't, then happy holidays! Either way, here's a lil present from me to you! Chapters have been written ahead and I'm not done for the night yet so prepare for more consistent updates for at least a little while! - AB

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