Chapter Thirty: Triple(t) Trouble

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Chapter Thirty: Triple(t) Trouble

Adding the triplets to the family meant triple trouble for the newsies. Not because the triplets themselves were constantly in trouble (they were only causing trouble most of the time), but because the entire family began to find themselves in increasingly more trouble. Race, in a moment of 'inspiration' (read: stupidity), decided to take the triplets to the races. This, of course, ended with Spot and Kenny yelling at him while Albert fed them way too much candy – resulting in his own yelling-at courtesy of the scariest members of the ot4.

The trouble escalated when the entire Newsies Family™ decided to take a trip to the fair. Within the first five seconds of arriving and paying for day-long wristbands, the gang lost Les, Crutchie, the triplets, and Daisy. In five seconds. It took them about twenty minutes to find all six runaways; Crutchie and Daisy were found first by Jack and Elmer, watching the rodeo. David and Buttons found Les playing one of the games, trying to win a teddy bear for Sally. Once he found the triplets on a rollercoaster, Race – being Race – proceeded to run around with the triplets riding all of the rollercoasters and rides in sight.

Eventually, David gave up on trying to be Momma Davey™ and sat himself down on a bench, eating a funnel cake. He had been at it for a few minutes when Daisy climbed up onto the bench with him.

"Daddy, who's my real mommy and daddy?" The small girl asked him. David sighed.

"I don't know, Flower," he responded. "Why? You don't wanna leave us, do you?" Daisy frowned.

"No.. but kids at school make fun of me! I don't like it Daddy!" Tears welled up in Daisy's eyes, threatening to fall down her face.

"Don't listen to them, love, they're just jealous." David kissed Daisy's forehead, right as Jack walked up.

"Jackie, what's wrong?" He asked their daughter, seeing the few tears that had escaped her eyes.

"Kids at school make fun of me for having a big family and two daddies," Daisy sniffed. Jack frowned.

"BOYS, WE NEED TO GO BEAT UP SOME KINDERGARTENERS!" He shouted, ready to mess with anyone who messed with his daughter.

"Francis Jeremy Jack Sullivan-Kelly-Jacobs, sit down right now," David hissed at his husband. Rolling his eyes, the Cowboy™ sat down and the pair comforted their daughter.


Meanwhile, Albert, Kenny, and Spot had caught up to Race and the triplets.

"POP-TART!" The three children yelled, running over to Kenny and hugging her. The older girl grinned.

"Hey, monkeys!" She laughed, embracing her children. She scooped Andy into her arms, while Albert picked up Aiden and Spot grabbed Alexis, putting her up on his shoulders.

"Why don't other kids have Pop-Tart's, Pa's, Pop's, and Dado's?" Andy asked the four adults.

"Because, silly, not everyone is as cool as you three!" Race tickled Andy as he finished, making him squirm and giggle in Kenny's arms. He took the boy from her, lifting Andy up onto his shoulders. Aiden, feeling left out, insisted Albert do the same with him – soon all three children towered over Kenny. Alexis, however, still frowned.

"I still feel short," she grumbled. Albert and Race cackled upon hearing this.

"Oh my Lord, Spot, your own daughter thinks you're short!" Race nearly dropped Andy, he was laughing so hard at his lover.

"Shut up!" Spot snapped, reaching over to whack Race's arm. Alexis beat him to the hitting motion, however, as she hit Spot's head.

"Dado! Don't say bad words." Kenny had to cover her mouth with her hands to keep herself from laughing at her daughter's actions, as she knew she'd be the next to receive Spot's wrath if he caught her.

"Sorry, Butterfly," Spot apologized to the girl on her shoulders.

"Can you believe he said a bad word?!" Alexis asked her family incredulously. Race, Albert, and Kenny shared a look.

"Yes we can, Blossom." Race nodded as he responded to her.

"He uses them a lot, Cherry," Albert told her.

"Get used to it, Princess. But don't repeat it!" Kenny said, in an attempt to be responsible.

The family unit of eight gave up on trying to find the rest of the newsies and opted to instead go home and watch cartoons, knowing that eventually the others would show up and join them. Which is exactly what happened.

Because the one thing that can be counted on is the daily watching of cartoons by the entire household.

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