Chapter Sixteen: Move Over, Les, There's a New Baby in Town

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Chapter Sixteen: Move Over, Les, There's a New Baby in Town

    Jack and Dave (and Kenny, Race, Albert, and Spot) had been going steady for a while and shockingly, both relationships were going quite well. Jack and David, despite being complete opposites, were well-matched and all of the Newsies were pestering them about taking the next step. They were talking about marriage, of course, but instead the two boys decided to take a different next step.
    One day Jack was cleaning the house to surprise David, because even though he hted cleaning he loved Dave so he decided it was worth it, and entered the boy's room to vacuum it. Jack being Jack, he immediately noticed David's laptop was open and happened to glance at the screen. Of course, in this case 'glanced' meant 'stared at intensely,' because Jack Kelly was a Nosey Boi™. What David had been looking at was not something that Jack was expecting.
    It was an adoption website, and in the application box David had filled in the information for both himself and Jack. Standing there, Jack felt a rush of nerves and excitement course through his body. It distracted him for long enough that he didn't realize David had returned home until the shorter boy caught him looking at the website.
    "Jack..." he finally looked up as David trailed off. The Jacobs boy was bright red with embarrassment, tears brimming in his eyes with shame because he had been caught. Jack immediately threw his arms around the other boy, a muffled "I love you" escaping his mouth.
    After about ten minutes of the two standing there in an embrace muttering those three words back and forth, they sat down and had an actual conversation. By the end of it, it had been decided that the two were going to adopt a child. Kenny, the Ultimate Decision-Making Extraordinaire™, had been consulted because Jack was also an Insecure Boi™ and wanted to make sure his little sister was okay with it. She determined that between her brother and Momma Davey™, any kid would be lucky to get such great parents. So they went for it.
    When they told the rest of the Newsies, there was a moment of disbelieving silence. Slowly, a cheer arose.
    "YES! I TOLD YOU THEY'D DO IT! PAY UP JOJO!" Race crowed. The look David had on his face did nothing to quiet The Gambler™. "YOU TOO, ELMER. OH, AND YOU SPOTTY. AND FINCH. AND BUTTONS." Jack was in tears laughing at this point, and although Jojo, Elmer, Spot, Finch, and Buttons grumbled as they handed Race his money, soon all of the newsboys (and Kenny, Sarah, Katherine, Bill, and Darcy) were cheering. And with that, Dave and Jack left to go adopt a child.
    The search took forever, but finally the two had been able to choose the perfect addition to the family: a little six-year-old girl named Daisy Jacklynn, who was able to tack Sullivan-Kelly-Jacobs onto the end of her name. The two had immediately fallen in love with her dark ringlets and her deep brown eyes, along with her feistiness and shocking understanding of sarcasm at such a young age. She was devious, and deceptively sweet on top of it (though she was actually a naturally kind, sweet, and protective person). And the rest of the Newsies immediately fell in love with her as well, the girls especially.

Because the Manhattan Newsies Family™ just kinda accepted every addition, especially if they were cute and adorable and willing to help Race gamble (which Daisy totally was).

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