Chapter Seven: Rat Cat, Mr. McFluffekins, and Spot

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Chapter Seven: Rat Cat, Mr. McFluffekins, and Spot

    Spot's terror concerning Rat Cat Jacobs-George and the prospect of a demonic roommate raised a question amongst the household: where exactly was Rat Cat Jacobs-George?

    Rat Cat Jacobs-George was, in fact, about twenty feet away from Spot in the opposite corner of the room. The animal was simply staring at Spot's quivering figure, hidden behind couch cushions, simply wondering what exactly the fuck was wrong with these weird-ass humans? Katherine Plumber herself could not have worded the question any more eloquently.

    David had had enough of Spot's crying, enough of Les being a father, and enough of Rat Cat Jacobs-George in general. And so, he allowed the back door to remain open in the high hopes of a cat wandering in to put an end to the Rat Cat madness.

    Indeed, a cat appeared, and it was everything that David Jacobs could have hoped for. The stray cat managed to chase Rat Cat Jacobs-George away and out of their lives for the foreseeable future (side note: Newsies are terrible with predictions, they had no idea when Rat Cat would reappear or if he ever would). Spot jumped up out of his corner and ran over to the cat, scooping it up into his arms and thanking it profusely. He put it down after a moment and Les, in a fit of rage and despair, picked it up and ran to the kitchen. He was immediately followed by his brother, who managed to save the cat from Les's grasp before the nearly-ten-year-old was able to make a meal out of Spot's savior.

    "Dave can we keep it?"

    "It's so cute!"

    "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"

    "Kenny you're not gonna die unless you're allergic."

    "Aw, shuddup Race and lemme reference Despicable Me."

    "Pleeease, David? It saved me y'know."

    David easily caved to the begging of the Newsies, and once a name was settled upon the decision was final: Mr. McFluffekins was officially a part of the Manhattan Newsies Family™. But in Les's eyes, it was a bit different: Life Ruiner was now an official part of his daily life.

Because Rat Cat Jacobs-George was special to Les, and when that cat chased him away it chased away all of Les's affection too.

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