Chapter Twenty: Javid Joins the Fun

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Chapter Twenty: Javid Joins the Fun

After the foursome had announced their plans to get married, Kenny told Jack and David that they had better get a move on. Both boys flushed, slightly overwhelmed and very embarrassed, but knew that the girl was right.

It took about ten seconds of Jack standing in the hallway by himself for him to go from excited to nervous. He was afraid that Dave wouldn't like the ring that he had picked out, he was afraid that Dave would reject his proposal, and he was afraid that he would mess everything up. But Jack was determined to make this proposal absolutely perfect. He plopped himself down on the floor, thinking of ways to propose to David and make it special.

The first thing he thought of was proposing to his boyfriend the next time they did a spit-shake. He could hide the ring in his mouth so when he spat it flew into his hand and -- he cut himself off, knowing that it would never work. His second thought was to get fireworks that would spell out 'DAVID WILL YOU MARRY ME' but quickly realized it would be too expensive. Plus, Newsies plus fireworks would probably result in someone dying and let's be real they didn't have the kind of money to just throw some into a funeral. Thirdly, he thought he could jump scare David with the ring in his hand and yell 'LOVE ME FOREVER!' It might work, but it wasn't really all that romantic. Feeling like a failure, as he still had no idea of how to propose, he whined to himself as he laid down on the floor with the ring box sitting on top of his chest.

Meanwhile, David had made a cake for Mike and Ike since it was their birthday. On his way to their room with it, he tripped over Jack's outstretched body with an 'oof!', his face landing directly in his cake.

"OH MY GOD DAVE ARe you okay?" Jack asked as he sat up, very panicked at first but snickering by the end of his question.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Dave replied, wiping cake from his eyes so that he could see. The first thing he noticed was the box, which had fallen into Jack's lap by Dave's hip when the cowboy sat up. "Ooh, who's the ring for, Jackeeyyyyyy?" He asked as he poked Jack's cheek.

"I-uh um heh y-you," he stammered. He was only ever like this when he was around David, and he hated himself for it.

"What's it foooor?" Dave egged him on, beaming. Jack reached over and wiped some the cake off of his face, sticking his finger in his mouth and eating it before he spoke.

"Dave I realized I liked you when I saw you stub your toe and yell at the stair, then apologize, and I realized I loved you when we went out and you bit your finger trying to eat all your French fries." David smiled a bit as Jack spoke. "I absolutely love you, David."

"I love you too, Jack." The Kelly boy was smiling like crazy, and David was a mess of glitter, sparkles, and rainbows on the inside.

"I promise you, David Benjamin Jacobs, that if you want, one day soon you can become David Benjamin Sullivan-Kelly-Jacobs." David was grinning from ear to ear as Jack finished his spiel. "Dave, will you marry me?"

"Jackey, of course I will!" Jack grinned as he slid the ring onto David's left ring finger. The two hugged from their awkward position, Dave still on Jack's lap. Of course, in their house no cute moment goes unruined.

"YO GUYS! JACK FINALLY GREW A PAIR AND ASKED DAVE TO MARRY HIM!" She shouted to the rest of the boys (and Sarah and Katherine and Daisy) as she burst out of her room, right next to where the boys sat.

Everyone started cheering, Daisy squealed and hugged their legs. David and Jack kissed, and the boys all pretended to puke and gag. Jack and David just laughed, enjoying the moment.

Because at the rate everyone was getting engaged, they weren't sure how often moments like that would happen in the future.

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