Chapter Thirteen: Is This Allowed?

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Chapter Thirteen: Is This Allowed?

    Spot awoke to the sound of his friends squealing and jumping around, and the feeling of a warm, solid thing under his arm. Not to mention the soft breaths hitting his forehead rhythmically. He opened his eyes only to find his head nestled into the crook of... someone's neck. He wasn't sure who it was until he pulled away.

    Upon pulling his head away, Spot screeched. Like, S C R E E C H E D. Of course, this awoke the gambler, who yelled and pushed himself away from the Brooklynite. Kenny sighed before grabbing both of their hands and yanking them upstairs, Albert following behind them. Meanwhile, Jack and David were very casually talking, neither of them particularly phased at their sleeping position.

(A/N: that's the sound I imagine Race making. Okay get back to reading now)

    After Kenny pushed the three boys into her room and locked the door, she turned around and was greeted with quite a sight. Spot was pacing back and forth, his face extremely pale. Race was blushing, and Albert looked like he was about to slap a bitch. Kenny rounded on all three of them.

    "Spot, what was the cuddling about in the first place? Why are you so pale right now? Is it because your secret crush on Race has been revealed? Race, why are you blushing so much? Is that because you're embarrassed to be caught with Spot, your secret crush? Yeah, I know about that and I don't really care. Who doesn't have a secret crush on one or both of you? I know Albert does, just like he has a crush on me, and that's why he's so mad right now." All three boys looked down sheepishly after being called out by the Kelly girl.

    "So what does this mean now..?" Albert asked.

    "Well gee, I dunno. Fellas, Kenny, are we the Newsies' new OT4?" Race asked them.

    "Like, a four-way relationship?" Spot asked the italian. Race nodded in response. "Is this allowed?"

    "Who cares, we're all into each other and no one's gonna stop us. Can we go rejoin the others now, I wanna talk to Sarah and Katherine." And with that confirmation, Kenny turned on her heel and returned downstairs. The boys shared a satisfied grin before trailing after her.

    The new foursome made good timing too, as just after they stepped into the living room the front door burst open.

    "UNCLES OF THE YEAR IN THE HOUSE, YO!" Bill and Darcy screamed as they entered the mass of people. Katherine sighed as she realized who she had surrounded herself with.

Because as much as she loved the Manhattan Newsies Family™, she realized that it was not that fun being their landlord. And that she was, quite literally, the only reason that they still had a house and were not living on the streets.

A/N: Okay as of writing this (Sept. 2) I am so eagerly awaiting the day I get to upload this part because it's a wonderful chapter and also the videos are amazing. Also what would the OT4's ship name be? I'm just curious as to whether y'all have any ideas for that. - AB

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