Chapter Thirty-One: Once Upon A Time... the Girls got Dates!

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Chapter Thirty-One: Once Upon A Time... the Girls got Dates!

Once Upon a Time...

Mike and Ike made the mistake of introducing the kids (the actual ones, not their friends) to the show. Purely because they were having a massive debate over what actor had better eyebrows – Ike preferring Robbie Kay's Peter Pan eyebrows, while Mike preferred Colin O'Donoghue's Captain Hook eyebrows. Of course, with the introduction of four small children to the debate the teams became three to three and settled absolutely nothing.

Aiden and Andy were team Colin all the way, as they thought Captain Hook was badass and cool. Daisy and Alexis, meanwhile, thought that Peter Pan was super cute – much to the dismay of their fathers. David, Jack, Spot, Race, and Albert were not happy that their daughters were already crushing on boys. Not happy one bit. On that same note, Jack and David did NOT like Toby, no matter how innocent the boy's affection for Daisy was.

Toby, on a recent visit to Daisy at the house, had invited her and the triplets to meet him and his new friend Luke at the park for a playdate. Daisy begged the older newsies to take them, and thanks to Kenny's desire to get away from the chaos of the house the playdate was able to happen. She was nearly successful in taking the four kids on her own, but at the last minute David and Spot insisted that their fatherly presence was needed at the park – so the seven of them made the journey to meet the two little boys at the park.

Andy and Aiden ran off as soon as they arrived, while Daisy and Alexis went to find the boys. The adults found a nice bench and sat themselves down. Kenny especially loved watching Alexis try to flirt with Luke, no doubt using tips she had heard Race give to some of the single newsies. Daisy hated this same thing, and became increasingly more embarrassed as Alexis's inner Race came out. David and Spot, meanwhile, were hating the fact that their daughters were standing near two boys, so you could imagine how they felt about the two flirting with the boys.

"Hey kid, wanna play with me?" Spot's loathing was interrupted by a small voice.

"What?" The Brooklyn boy asked the small boy, confused. The boy sighed in frustration.

"Wanna play tag and be friends?" He tried again. David and Kenny burst out laughing, attracting attention from the other parents at the park but ignoring their stares entirely.

"Kid, I'm not a child. Shoo! Go play," Spot grumbled the last part. He was only thankful that Race had stayed home; he knew the Gambler™ would do nothing but give him shit about the interaction for the rest of the time that was spent at the park. As the boy who tried to play with Spot pouted and ran off, two different children ran up to the trio of adults (two of whom were still wiping tears out of their eyes at the third's misfortune).

"Dado!" "Daddy!" Alexis and Daisy yelled as they ran up to their respective fathers. The girls were scooped up into the boys' laps as Spot and David asked what the yelling was about. "WE GOT DATES!" The pair of girls yelled. Spot and David locked eyes as both of their faces paled. Kenny sent the girls to grab Andy and Aiden so that they could all head home, knowing that Spot and David couldn't handle any more time in public.

Many tears were shed that afternoon. Kenny locked David, Jack, Spot, Race, and Albert in a room together so that they could all cry about their girls growing up and the six of them getting old without bothering the rest of the house.

Because of course six of the most dramatic newsies were the ones with children.

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