Chapter Fifteen and a Half: Some Fun Factsies

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Chapter Fifteen and a Half: Some Fun Factsies

(Okay so this is a little bit of a filler bc I don't have anything prewritten and between school and sports today I don't have time to type out chapter sixteen BUT I'm gonna write like hell tonight and try to crank out like 6 chapters so I don't have to worry)

Factsie #1: Bill is the Cool Uncle™. Like if Uncle Jesse was real, he would materialize in the form of William Randolph Hearst, Jr. Of course, he was the Cool Uncle™ because he could spoil the boys, Kenny, and their pets. Les and the twins wanted new demon-summoning robes? Hit up Bill. Jack needed new art supplies? Call Bill. Race needed a new box of Coronas? Bill's his guy. David needed a bottle of wine or seven? Bill's got it covered.

Because he's the ultimate Cool Uncle™.

Factsie #2: If Bill is the Cool Uncle™, then Darcy's the Fun Uncle™. He's a total adrenaline junky, and takes advantage of the fact that most of the Newsies are as well to secure his position in the family. He takes them to amusement parks, gets them ice cream at the parlor AND just brings tubs home randomly. He helps build forts and spurs movie nights. Darcy doesn't need to be the Cool Uncle™, he would much prefer being the Fun Uncle™.

Because ultimately, Darcy is a child at heart.

Factsie #3: Katherine is the Crazy-But-Still-Cool Aunt™. In addition to being their landlord, of course. Rather than helping to pay their rent like normal aunts, she just tells them it's less than it should be and pays the remainder. She's one of the responsible ones, but knows how to let loose and party with the others. Or by herself. As the Crazy-But-Still-Cool Aunt™, she has claims to a spot on the couch whenever she passes out there.

Because whenever David needs a bottle of wine or seven, it's because Katherine has already consumed everything he had.

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