"I know." He said as he tried not to smile. "That was a little harsh, by the way." He added.

"Oh really?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "Please tell me about all the times you've picked her up from jail, dealt with the label, and had to do damage control. Dot even get me started on all her wild ass moods."

"Good point." He grimaced. "Never mind. You win." He laughed.

"Always." I smiled.

He looked up and winked at me before returning his attention to his artwork.

Nick and I had ways had a comfortable relationship. We didn't feel the need to fill up the silence between us with mindless chatter. We could exist in each others lives without being noisy and excessive. That's what I liked about him. Words weren't always necessary. I could lose myself in whatever I was working on while he created music. We were very independent of each other.

After another hour of staring at my computer screen, I needed a break and some fresh air. I left Nick in the dressing room and made my way into the back parking lot where all the buses and trucks were staged. I was surprised to find Johnny and Demi both outside spray painting their wardrobe and equipment cases.

"Hey Sel." Johnny greeted me as I approached.

"You must be bored." I laughed.


"You wanna help?" Demi smiled as she pushed the bandana she had covering her nose down.

"You look like a bandit." I teased.

"You wanna see how bad I can be?" She smirked as she slowly moved toward me.

"Dude. I've seen a lot of porns that start like this." Johnny said as he folded his arms across his chest and watched in amusement.

"Demi. No." I said holding up a finger.

"You better fucking run." She warned as she moved closer to me.

I took off in a dead sprint toward the venue. I could hear her taunting me as she chased after me. I had no idea what she planned to do when she caught me and I hoped I wouldn't have to find out. She chased me through the back hallways and out into the stage area.

I ducked under the stage scaffolding and attempted to hide. It didn't work. She found me and grabbed a hold of me. We both went tumbling to the ground and she proceeded to pin me down and tickle me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.

Once she was satisfied, she rolled off me and we laid side by side panting like a couple of over heated dogs. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Without thinking I turned toward her and placed a gentle, lingering kiss on her cheek. It took every ounce of will power I had to not kiss her mouth.

"What was that for?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For reminding how to have fun." I replied gently. "I forget sometimes."

"Well in that case, you're welcome."

"You're basically a giant child so....." I chuckled as she poked my ribs.

"Careful." She warned. "I might have to start biting."

"I wouldn't put it past you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She laughed.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "You just seem like a biter."

She turned and winked at me. "There's only one way to find out..."

"Oh my god!" I said loudly. "Stop!" I blushed.

"You think I'm adorable and charming. And if it wasn't for that boyfriend of yours, you'd let me into those tight little jeans you wear." She grinned.

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