New Years Eve part 2

Start from the beginning

Haru brought his hands up to Makotos neck and let his fingers tease the material of his shirt. Makoto ran his hands over Haru's exposed back. He felt the way his shoulder blades moved under his hands and felt the heat of his body spread through his fingertips. He reveled in the feeling of Haru's tongue gliding against his own and he let out a hum of satisfaction.

Haru moves his hands down and let his hands slip under the cotton fabric of Makoto's shirt. He rested his hands against Makoto's abdomen and gently traced the formed muscle there.

Makoto gasped at the cold touch of Haru's hands against his own blazing skin. Haru trailed up higher until he reached his nipples. Now, Makoto never thought that he was sensitive or anything or that he could feel pleasure from his nipples, but he was proven undoubtedly wrong.

Haru gently ran his thumbs over each nipple and Makoto writhed underneath him. Each touch sent a jolt of pleasure through his body and left him breathing in staccato.

Haru let a smirk grow on his face as he saw Makoto's reaction. He repeated his own action and once again, Makoto couldn't keep still. Haru experimented with this new information and pinched each nipple gently before rolling the small bud between his thumb and forefinger. Makoto let out a high pitched moan and ground his hips up, desperately pleading for more.

Haru continued his assault and licked a long strip up Makoto's neck before going down and kissing his collarbone. He softly sucked on the skin there and Makoto couldn't help but to lightly claw at Haru's back. Haru gave one last kiss to the spot before harshly sucking and nipping, forming a dark red mark.

"Ha-a-ru" Makoto whined. He was sure that there were red scratch marks on Haru's back but he couldn't control the amounts of pleasure he was receiving.

Haru sat back and examined his work. Makoto was a mess. His hair stuck up with sweat and his face was a deep pink. The dark red mark on his neck began to purple and small tears were collecting at the outer corners of his eyes. A little bit of drool had dripped from the corner of his open mouth. His chest heaved heavily as he tried to catch his breath and it was painfully obvious that his pants were growing too tight.

Haru tugged on Maktoto's shirt before catching his eyes. "Do you want more?"

Makoto looked away before nodding his head eagerly. "P-please." He whimpered.

Haru had Makoto lift his arms up and Haru pulled his shirt off over his head. Once he threw it somewhere else in the room he bent down, placing soft kisses just below his collar bones. Makoto took this time to steady his breathing and fully enjoy the feeling of Haru's warm lips softly kissing his skin. He kissed down further and further before reaching his stomach. Once he was there he firmly pressed his mouth there and blew out air, making a tuba sound that made them both giggle.

Makoto's giggles however turned to sharp intakes of breath as Haru went back up and circled his tongue around his nipple. As if Makoto couldn't feel any more sensations, Haru gently nipped down and Makoto lost all sense of dignity.

"Fuck, Haruka!" He groaned. He tugged on Haru's hair and gently pulled his back up to his mouth for yet another kiss.

He pulled back with a gasp and his eyes still closed. Once he opened them, Haru was looking at him fondly.

"Haru?" Makoto whispered.

"Yeah?" Haru ran his fingers through Makoto's hair.

"Can I-Can I touch you?" Makoto looked away embarrassed.

Haru let a small laugh escape his lips and grabbed Makoto's face in his hands. "Of course you can. Do whatever you want."

Makoto gave a solid nod before flipping them over once again. Haru laid back and let Makoto do what he pleased. Haru wasn't as shy or as insecure as Makoto was so he didn't mind letting Makoto touch him as he pleased, he knew Makoto would never do anything that Haru was against.

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