Question Time

23 10 6

Gets descriptive boys...
Ya know just a forewarning..

Have any of you thought questions about how a girl grows up without a real female to look up to and to ask advice to?

You'd think that the girl would figure it out right? Wrong.

I'm still wondering about certain things. I'm still a confused girl.

My step mom wasn't someone I could go to to ask questions about my curiosity.

Who does a girl tell things to??

Who does she ask for information when she receives her first period? When I got mine I was in school and my teacher was the one to notice I bled through my pants... I didn't even notice. I got my period and was sent home. My teacher was kind enough to not make a scene in front of everyone and quickly hid it with her jacket.

I had no one to talk about it my step mom bought me pads but didn't explain anything to me. I had to figure it out myself...

Who does she tell about her first love, her first heartbreak?

I fell in love with someone who I thought I'd live my life with.

Turns out he wasn't the one for me and I wasn't the one for him.

I never got to tell anyone how my heart was hurting and how badly I cried at night over him. It hurt. It hurt badly...

No one noticed and no one asked.

Who does she get to talk to about how badly she misses her true mom?

As you have read I keep a journal that I write to my mom. I write what I'm feeling and I write about my day.

No matter what happened, if I threw out my feeling for my whole family to know, no one cared to voice their concerns about how I was feeling.

My father never talked about her. My step mom would definitely never even bring up her name. She looked down on me as if I was dirt on her feet.

I miss my mom and her kids-my siblings-will talk about her with me whenever I need to talk now.

I grew up wanting and needing help. Yet I had no one that I could turn to. I had no mother figure to talk to. I tried with my step mom. Honestly I fucking tried. I tried to love her, to see her as a mom, but it goes both ways. She did NOT try! She can say a thousand times that she did, but that is a lie. If she tried then we wouldn't have been in the place we were.

I needed help with simple things every girl should know. Shaving my legs, doing my hair, making friends, boy advice, pep talks, etc.

I needed help, but help never came.

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