Memories of the Light in the Darkness

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Do you guys know which animal would win if you put a toad and a lizard in a container together?

Well I can tell you they kill each other.

I know that might sound horrible. When I was living with my gma, I remember how close my mom's side of the family was. We all lived right next to each other and across the street from each other.

Well this one time (My favorite) cousin Alex and I were outside catching lizards and more. Well we didn't know you shouldn't put two different species into one container so we put them together. The next day we went out to check on them and they were both dead. They had bite marks all over them. It was a weird site to see.

All of us siblings and cousins used to climb my gmas tree in the front of the house. We weren't supposed to and always got in trouble doing it, but we all loved climbing and seeing who could get higher. Alex was like a monkey. She was crazy.

One night we all sat in my gmas room and watched The Night Before Christmas. We all love that movie. Though my favorite movie from my childhood is Eight Legged Freaks. So many people ask me "How can you love that movie and not be scared of it, but you're terrified of spiders in real life?" Well the answer to that is I have no clue!  Honestly I couldn't tell you. I had four favorite movies from living at my gmas house and I'll never get tired of them!

Eight Legged Freaks
●Thirteen Ghost
●Kids World
●Jaw Breaker

I love those movies so much and they will forever live on in my heart no matter how old they are.

Do you have a favorite movie from your childhood? Are you like me and have a weird obsession with horror movies?? Or are you like me and love movies about something you hate in real life?

We used to go to church at Cross Roads Church. When I was there my dad and step mom lived across the street. I remember once being on the playground locked inside the fence when my sister's decided they were going to go over and say hi. I was to young and couldn't leave class so I got left behind. I loved seeing my dad. He was amazing to me then. So I watched them walk across the street and talk to him. He waved to me and I waved back like a mad person. I missed him a lot back then. It seemed like he moved on with another family though. He had his and I loved mine. I loved the life I was living while we stayed with my gma.

Growing up with my sister's, brother, and cousins was amazing. Yet like all good things they come to an end. After two years of living with my gma my dad called...

Find out in the next chapter how and why I ended up moving back in with my father.

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