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So many mistakes...

Let me tell you something. Growing up I had no one to talk to about boys except for my friends. You know how horrible it was for me to sit down at night and write journals to my mom telling her about boys that I liked or had crushes on. It's not horrible that I was writing to her but horrible because I knew she could never give me her advice.

I feel sometimes people take their parents for granted. Enjoy being able to have them.

So let's start with the beginning. I'll just name some of the guys I had crushes on or dated and then tell you my story with them. Okay? We're only naming important ones because ya know I don't try keeping track of everyone. Not that I've dated a lot of guy though.

Let's start with my first crush and first boyfriend Ryan. Ryan was a cute guy. He was tall, skinny and had an amazing smile. He was one grade level above me. Let's just say he was perfect... just to perfect for me. I was in middle school in 6th grade when I started dating him.

It started out perfect! We would hold hands, kiss, hang out at skatenshake.(they had a dance night where all the teens hung out on Friday's)

People always told us we were such a cute couple. Well I wasn't feeling it. Maybe it was because I wasn't really ready for that type of perfect relationship, or maybe I just have a habit of ruining relationships. Most likely the latter...

I decided to end thing with Ryan a few weeks after they started. 😂 get this, so after I broke up with him he told me my older sister slipped him a note asking him out😂😂 what a great sister right?

The next one we'll talk about is Colby.

Colby was a thick guy who always made me laugh. I had a huge crush on him. He lived right next door to me. My sister was one of his best friends and she introduced us. He always made sly remarks, told jokes, and annoyed everyone. He was a blast though.
I never truly ended up dating him but I did get a birthday kiss from him😘

Next on the time line would be Bryan.

My lord do I have a lot about Bryan... I had a crush on that kid for so long. It dates all the way back to 3rd grade!!! We met in 3rd grade and always told each other jokes and laughed together. We never hung out though. Then came middle school. My feeling for him developed more.

He was always dating other people. So we never actually had the right time.

One day in middle school I was invited to a guy named Ryan's birthday sleep over. My parents told me I wasn't allowed to spend the night but I was able to go to the party. Turns out Bryan was his next door neighbor which meant he was also at the party. It was a pool party but I was self conscious about my body due to my step mother always telling me I needed to be as skinny as my sister. (Fat chance of that ever happening... the girls a freaking twig!)

Well I didn't go swimming but I watched movies with them all and sat by the pool with them. We played man hunt,(adult version of hide and seek)
And I was on Bryan's team.

The whole night we all laughed. Around 10:30 I called my dad and begged him to let me spend the night he finally gave up and let me stay. Sadly Bryan wasn't staying over. Before he left I stole his hat and put it behind my back. (I know stupid kid flirting, but hey I had a huge crush cut me some slack!) he had to keep reaching around me to grab it our lips were so close to touching it was torture!! Absolute torture!

In the end I gave him back his hat but I've always regretted not saying "you can have it back for a kiss"🥳🥰😘😘

Well the next few weeks at school were killing me because all I wanted to do was date Bryan he had me going crazy!

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