A letter to my real mom 6/21/15

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Dear mom;

So I just got back from visiting my siblings. When I got back my step mom immediately started with her nonsense. She took me to go see my older sister(her daughter) and her boyfriend. The whole way there she was talking crap about my hair. How it looks so bland how I look like a boy with my hair up. 🖕🏼 nothing is wrong with my hair!

Then she started again at home. She kept yelling and screaming at me for making a face at my sisters boyfriend because she thought I was making a face at her. I swear she reached her maximum screaming level when she got out side. She was livid and for what? I have no clue. She's just to much. She even called me a CUNT!

Yep I hate her! I will never see her as a mother figure. It just won't happen.

I hated my step mom for a lot of reasons and this blew me away. Me and my step mom are on better terms now. Though it's really only because we barely see each other now. Days like these I couldn't handle being apart of the family. I always felt like I did wrong because that's what she tell me. Either I'm a screw up or I just didn't belong, I don't know.

Now that I'm older I'm happy. I have my own life,(even though it's kinda boring and sometimes lonely) I have a family that loves me, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Of course I have those moment where I'm feeling alone and depressed but I push through them. I focus on the positive. My readers on here you all make me feel proud and accomplished I couldn't ask for more. Thank you all so much. My family supports me and I'm so grateful for them.

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