Preparing to Leave

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At seven years old, I got a call from my dad a week before he was going to pick me up to move in with him. It was a great call actually. I was really excited to go live with him. At least that's what I thought.

The day before I was going to be moving in with my father I invited my family over for a sleep over at my gmas. Almost all of my cousins came and we had a blast. I tried to plan everything out. We played cops and robbers. We ate a bunch of food, watched movies, but in the end I still felt... lonely.

My dad called that night saying he had his bosses truck and was ready to take my stuff over to his house the next day. I remember telling him I was excited and couldn't wait. Though when we hung up the phone I also remember I started to cry.

I now know why I cried. Before I couldn't figure it out.

It's because I knew everything was going to change from then on. I'd barely see my mom's side of the family. I wouldn't be able to go lay in my gmas bed whenever I was scared. I wouldn't have my siblings around when I needed their advice or someone to talk to.

That's exactly what happened. For about a year I was allowed to see my family rarely but after that I barely ever saw them...

It's like I no longer had that side of the family anymore. Like they were cut from my life. I tried calling them whenever I got the chance but it seemed they to had changed since I moved out...

MY UNTOLD STORYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ