Lost Memory

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Let's start from the beginning shall we? My dad and my mom met at a bar. My mom's sister was the one who introduced them. My mom was divorced (I believe) at the time. She had been married to another man and had already had three kids. They are my half siblings. They were together a year or two before I was conceived.

My dad and mother were engaged for 6 years. Now you could say they didn't have enough money to get married, or you could say one of them still had doubts. We will never truly know the answer to that question now.

The first tragic incident in my life was my mother passing away. When I was five years old my mother passed away from two different types of cancer. Bone cancer and lung cancer.

I have no memories of her. I have other people's memories. Everyone shares there stories to me. I don't want them. I love hearing them but I would trade everything I am just to have anything from her. A video, a letter, a book, a song, any of those plus more would be worth everything I am now.

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