
40 11 2

Dear Diary,

How can you look like/love someone and not even know one thing about them? P.S. I was crying when I wrote this.

Yes I was crying when I wrote that. I can actually laugh about this now. I used to look like my mother a lot actually. I had her hair, freckles, nails. I didn't have her gorgeous blue eyes thought I wish I did. I was upset when I wrote this. I remember my dad telling me I looked just like my mom and it made me devasted because I knew nothing about her at the time. Not a single thing.

Double entry for the day.

Dear Diary,

Wow I guess from now on I will never talk to anyone again. My step mom just told me I need a new personality.  She told me to stop trying to be like my sister. I'M NOT TRYING TO BE LIKE HER! Fine I won't talk to anyone, no more singing, no laughing. It will be like I don't even exist. Because that's what she really wants right? I might hate it, no I take that back I will hate it. But if mom's happy I'll just have to suck it up right?

Yes I know how over dramatic. But who tells their kid (step kid or not) to get a new personality and to stop copying someone else. She only said that to once again make my sister out to be the best.
I used to think and still think to this day that she would prefer if I wasn't around. I always believed that she felt like I was a reminder of my mom.
Which is funny bc she was my mom's friend before she passed away.
My step mom doesn't like that I point out things that her and my mom have in common.

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