2nd letter written to my mom.

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Dear mom,

Realizing my past tonight, I thought of something's that are messed up in it. For example, I lost you when I was only five, not knowing anything about you makes me crazy. Everyday I am struggling to keep me head up, but I just can't take it anymore. My step mom says that she doesn't know what's wrong with me... really? I didn't realize there was anything wrong with me. Time is going by and soon it will be summer and then I won't have a get away place. Gosh! Momma I really miss you. People say that I'm just like you. Does that mean that you felt this way when you were my age? If so I really need you. I don't think my step mom ever really liked you if she did then she wouldn't keep trying to change who I am. I bet if you were here you could help me. Trying to do things on my own just isn't working out. Things need to change and I don't know how.

I LOVE YOU, stay true.

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