Did they forget about me?

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After a few years of living in Morris town I thought that everyone on my real moms side of the family had forgotten about me.

One day all my siblings were going to stay the night at other people's houses.

I had asked my dad if I could go to my families house since everyone else was going somewhere. He told me that I could call them and ask them.

I called my Gma- "sorry hun were busy this weekend"

I called my sister- "sorry Shawna I have plans with my friends"

I called my aunt- "you should have called sooner, but we made plans"

I called my other aunt- "sorry sweetie I already have a full house this weekend"

I called my brother- sorry I'm hanging out at our aunts this weekend" ^^^

Eventually I gave up.

The next weekend was the same. And the weekend after that.

Eventually I gave up calling all together.

A year later after not seeing anyone on my mothers side of the family.

I was sleeping in bed when all of a sudden my dad woke me up. It was probably around 6am at the time.

He told me to pack a bag of a few things and go to the car.

I was so confused I thought that we were running away or something. Hey I mean I had no problem with it.

We drove for about a half hour before stopping at a gas station parked next to a green van.

I'd know that green van anywhere. It was my Gma's van.

I jumped out of the car and ran to her to give her a hug.

My dad explained to me that I was going to be staying with her for the weekend and that I was expected to be home at a certain time on Sunday.

I had no arguments.

When we arrived at her house I walked through the door to find my siblings all asleep on the couch.

They came!! They all wanted to see me and stayed at my Gma's house so they would be able to!

My cousins stopped by as well to see me I had an absolute blast!

Spending the weekend with them was amazing. I loved being with my Gma. I drank coffee with her played a ton of games with her and watched movies.

My Gma's house was my favorite place to be.

Soon I found out from my oldest sister that they had been trying to get me to see them for awhile but my dad never told me. He kept it from me so I wouldn't see them.

I had thought they forgot about me but in reality my dad was trying to get me to forget about them.

By the time I had to leave and go home I was upset and didn't want to leave them. They were my home. Being with them made me feel apart of a family, while being with my dad and his new family made me feel like an outcast.

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