Meeting my step mom.

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I can't recall how this happened exactly. I remember that my dad told me that I already met her when I thought I was meeting her for the first time. He told me that she used to babysit me and that my mom was her friend. I don't know if it was that comment that set our fate or if she just couldn't stand me, but that day forward I couldn't look at her in the right way.

She was my mom's friend, but she's with my dad only a year after she was gone. Okay I guess it's not that odd. But when I was six I didn't understand.

After awhile I began to wonder if she didn't like me because I was a reminder of my mom. I was always treated so differently. If you ask her she'd tell you otherwise.

Don't all parents and grandparents say the same? That they don't have favorites. My gosh y'all my household was built on certain kids being the so called "favorite"

Step mom >step sister and little half sister.
Dad>little half sister
Aunt>little half sisters
Another aunt>step brother
Nanna>step sister

My older step sister was favored by all. The only person who would always chose me is my dad's mom. She loved all of us though and she never showed favoritism around any of us.

Don't tell no one but she loves me the most(;

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