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Yes the place we all love and hate.

Since we moved a lot I went to a lot of elementary schools. Off the top of my head I can think of about 7. So yea I went to a lot of schools then. 5th grade was the worst for me. I was bullied. The "cool kids" hated me. They'd always make fun of me for stuttering when I had to read out loud to the class. They told me my clothes looked poor. And just a bunch of other things. I had one close friend in 5th grade. She was part of the "cool kids" she never said anything bad about me. She was always nice. Of course friends have their problems but we were really close. We'd hang out every day because she lived down the street from me. I lived at the beginning of our dirt road and she lived at the end. I'd walk to her house all the time and we'd just hang out. Her mom made the best food I've ever tasted. And don't get me started on how good her cookies tasted! Well after that we kinda drifted apart, but we still talked throughout middle school.

Middle School;
Middle school started a fresh start for me. Truly going to school for me after elementary school, was all about getting away from my house and getting to spend time with my friends. I instantly made friends with people. I hung out with more boys than girls. No not because I was a hoe but boys are so much easier to be around sometimes. When 7th grade came around that's when I started dating Robert. 8th grade started and we weren't together. Apparently the school didn't like that because we had every class together except for 2. The only classes we didn't have together was our elective and reading. Well middle school just seemed to fly by for me. I got great grades and I was content.

High School;
My high school was a little different than most. At a lot of schools you see a lot of clicks and groups that you can just pin point what they are.
At my school you couldn't really tell because there weren't really groups. Yes we all had our own friends, but you could walk around and see a person you think is a goth hanging out with someone you'd call a jock. We all mixed together. I actually had a lot of friends in high school I loved it. All my classes I had friends I could sit and talk to. We chatted about work in school, what we did over the weekend and what we planned on doing that day. Of course drama always follows school. I always made my good grades like always until junior year 11th grade caught up to me. I was taking honors classes and ap classes. It wasn't the classes that I had trouble with. It was my problems at home. I started hating how I never got to hang out with my friends outside of school. So for junior year I made a bad decision and decided that my school was no longer my get away from my house. Instead I started skipping school and some of my friends joined me. When they give you the paper in the beginning of the year for your parents to write their information on with their numbers and names and all that. I put down my own number so when the school called to tell them I missed classes or that I didn't show up they called my phone instead of my parents. The office caught me a lot but I got away a lot more than I got caught. I got to ride in my first cop car as well! Maybe that's not such a good thing haha. Anyways... I had a lot of fun. In the deans office they all started calling me Miss 91 because I had missed 91 classes. My history teacher was my first period teacher. One day I had missed a whole week of his class but I came in on Friday and we had a test...🙄😒 well surprisingly I actually aced that test and I suck at history. I got a 100 on it. The only one in the class who did. He mad a joke the next Monday morning saying that I should make an experiment about me missing class but still coming back to keep my grades up. It made me happy but the problem was I wasn't keeping my grades up. I never had a D or a F and now that was what half my grades were. One day I got into serious trouble and my oldest sister who covered for me when I skipped decided to call my dad. She told him everything and he showed up to school to pick me up. Once I got in the car he smacked me across the face with the back of his hand for skipping. After that they got the numbers changed to theirs and I was no longer able to skip. Or so they thought. I found a way around it. The school didn't call your parents phone if you were in buckstop! At my school that's what it was called. I don't know about your school but it'd be the room you went to if you were late for school or got sent out of class. The room where you can't talk. Can't do any work. Aren't allowed to have your phones out. Yea that place. Well here's what I did. I'd skip class until the 10 last minutes of class and go to buckstop. If you went in any later than that. The adult running buckstop would tell you not to sign in because the next class would start soon. I couldn't skip as many classes as I'd like to of. They had this rule that if you were in buck stop more than 5 times a week you got suspended... I couldn't get suspended so I had to limit myself. Then that got ruined when my dad was working by my school one day without my knowledge and caught me skipping at McDonald's. I lied and told him it was lunch. Well my grades kept slipping and I only had two months left to fix them. I stopped skipping completely and started focusing on school. I passed!! I was so grateful to all my teachers who helped me succeed. I'm still surprised I did it! Well that's how I have to end things here I will give you a teaser and tell you I didn't show up the last week of school for a certain reason.

Word Count: 1222 that's pretty long for a chapter in this book...

I wonder why I didn't show up right??

Don't worry you'll find out in a few chapters.

Guys this is almost the end of my book!! Only a few more chapters left. I just want to thank everyone who has read this book and gave me the strength to keep writing it. For all of you who messaged me and commented on this story thank you so much. You all are amazing and I couldn't have wrote this book without you.


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