Chapter 30: The butlers

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"Did you find it?"

"Yeah," Felicity said as she entered her room again. She walked to the bed and sat down next to Amelia. "It wasn't easy though, Carl was constantly walking around."

"He's keeping watch, I bet."

"What would they have to hide?"

"I don't know," Amelia sighed. "But now that I know my mom had a closer connection to your family, I know there's something else going on."

Felicity nodded and wrapped her arm around Amelia.

"Thanks for supporting me," Amelia suddenly said. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Felicity kissed Amelia's head a few times. "I love you."

"I love you too." She kissed Felicity's lips before looking back at the book in front of her. Felicity's family book, the book with all the information about the family throughout the years. And hopefully, with the secrets as well...

"What are we expecting to find?" Felicity suddenly asked as Amelia was going through the book. "What do we want to find?"

Amelia shrugged. "Anything is good." 

Felicity nodded and watched Amelia flip page after page. She too wanted to find out the truth, she wanted to support Amelia during her search because she believed her. When Amelia told her about her mother being Auntie Cassie, Felicity's view on her past changed. Knowing that Cassandra came by so often, nearly every day for 4 years straight, made her rethink everything. Something was indeed going on, and she wanted to know too.

"Here," Amelia suddenly said, gaining Felicity's attention. "That's my mom."

Felicity looked closer and saw Auntie Cassie. "That's Auntie Cassie," She leaned in closer. "Look, that's me. We were playing in the garden together."

"And who's this?" Amelia asked, pointing to someone on the back.

"A butler," Felicity looked closer. "I don't know him," She then wondered. "Isn't he the same butler as the one on that portrait?" Felicity reached for the portrait and showed it to Amelia. "Here, James."

Amelia looked from the portrait Felicity was holding, to the other one in the family book. "Yes, that's him," She then looked at Felicity. "He's in a lot of portraits."

Felicity nodded. "I could ask my parents about him."

"Would they tell us though?" Amelia shook her head. "We have to figure this out ourselves."

"Or we ask Chandler," Felicity got up and walked out her room. She soon came back with Chandler. "Hello Chandler."

Chandler looked at them, nervously tapping with his feet. "Hello Princesses."

Felicity put her hand on Chandler's shoulder, keeping him steady, and showing her presence even more. "Do you know who this is?" She asked as she pointed to the portrait Amelia was holding.

Chandler walked closer to Amelia, to have a better look at the portrait, but then shook his head. A bit too fast, Felicity thought.

"You really don't?"

"I don't, I'm sorry, Princesses." He gulped.

"Chandler," Felicity started, pushing him down so he'd kneel for them. "Did you swear an oath to always be loyal to my family?"

Chandler gulped but nodded.

"I expect you to be loyal," She took the portrait out of Amelia's hands. "Who is this?"

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