Chapter 6: First encounter

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Felicity saw the many people that came to her birthday party. She felt honored that so many guests were here, as not everyone was this lucky. But, despite the many guests, she felt lonely. All she wanted was to meet people, interesting people. People who were different than the rest.

And so she stood at the top of the stairs, just looking over the many people that were here. She was hoping that someone would catch her eyes, someone special she could talk to. But nothing happened.

"Hello your Highness."

Felicity sighed once more, she was so tired of these people. She looked to her left but was surprised to see Princess Amelia.

Amelia looked down, she felt like she did something she shouldn't have. The reaction of Princess Felicity said that much.

"Hello princess." Felicity said, even though she hated those formal greetings.

Amelia looked up at Felicity. "You can call me Amelia," She said and smiled. "That's probably easier to talk."

Felicity, now pleasantly surprised, smiled too. "Amelia it is," She motioned Amelia to follow her, which Amelia did. They walked through the castle. "You can call me Felicity."

Amelia smiled and then looked around. She was in awe. This castle was so different compared to hers. It felt more... homey. It was cozier, smaller. It was like a home.

Felicity looked at Amelia again and noticed Amelia looking everywhere. Felicity noticed Amelia had the same curiosity about her kingdom as Felicity did about the Southern Kingdom. "I want to show you something." Felicity said as she pulled Amelia with her.

They hurried through the castle, going up different rows of stairs to the highest point in the castle: the lookout.

Felicity opened the door to the lookout and then took Amelia outside. "I've noticed you're very interested in this kingdom," She then motioned to the lookout. "This place is like a balcony that watches over the entire kingdom."

Amelia took a few steps forward and then stopped. Her eyes took in the beautiful sight of this lovely and homey kingdom. Everything was so connected, like a village almost. Everything was built together.

"Wow." Amelia said just above a whisper.

Felicity looked at Amelia and smiled. "I never met someone that was so interested in my kingdom."

Amelia looked at Felicity. "I've always wanted to see this kingdom, but those stupid clouds make it hard to do so."

"Tell me about it," They both smiled at each other then. "Do you want to stay here and talk some more?"

Amelia smiled, she wondered what was happening here. "Sure."

Felicity then went back inside but came back pretty fast with a blanket. She put it on the ground so they could both sit on it. "Here you go." She said as they both sat down on it.

"Thanks." Amelia looked around more, she'd love to visit the entire kingdom. She'd love to take in the culture here, it must be different. And the food, the people... If only she'd be able to.

"What are you thinking about?"

Amelia looked back at Felicity, only now noticing just how close Felicity was sitting to her. "Uhm," Amelia created some distance between them. "Just how much I'd love to visit those streets."

Felicity nodded. "I'd love to visit your kingdom as well, it must be so interesting compared to here."

"No," Amelia said, making Felicity's eyebrows raise. "It's way nicer here. At home, everything's so big and distant. Like there's no connection between people and houses."

"Well I'd love to see that, it's a change."


Felicity noticed Amelia wasn't only looking at the kingdom, she was also looking up to the sky. Felicity wondered if Amelia was looking at the night sky, maybe the stars, or if she was thinking about her mother. Should she ask? Should she talk about her mother? It may be sensitive still.

"What are you looking at?" Felicity asked, taking the safest route.

Amelia sighed. "I'm wondering if my mom sees me," She then looked down, at her fingers. "I wonder what she's thinking."

Felicity immediately felt bad for asking, she knew Amelia was thinking about her mom. "I bet your mom is so proud of you right now," Felicity said, making Amelia look at her. "You're the youngest ruler I know and you're doing an amazing job."

Amelia looked down then. "I haven't really done anything yet."

"You've successfully taken over," Felicity said, once again gaining Amelia's attention. "You should be proud."

Amelia smiled then. "Thank you."

Felicity smiled and looked down, blushing.

"I'm glad I went up to you," Amelia now said, gaining Felicity's attention. "At first I wasn't sure," Amelia then looked away, blushing. "But you're different than what I expected."

Felicity looked down, blushing too. "You're different than what I expected too," Felicity then looked at Amelia, who was still blushing. "Good different."

Amelia smiled a bit. She kept looking at Felicity, trying to figure out what was going on here. Why did she feel so safe with her? What did it feel like something was pushing her towards Felicity? And why does it seem like Felicity is coming closer?

Amelia blinked a couple of times, trying to get out of her own thoughts, when she noticed Felicity was indeed coming closer to her. Amelia took a moment to wonder, should she stop Felicity? She'd probably never see Felicity again, well not like this anyway. Maybe it was fine to have a bit of fun, as normal teenagers would do.

Felicity leaned in closer, nothing would stop her now, she was determined to kiss Amelia. Something in her told her to just go for it. It was her birthday, she met an incredibly nice princess and the atmosphere was perfect here. She should be allowed to have fun right now, at least for tonight, shouldn't she?

And so they both leaned in, until the distance between their lips was non-existent.

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