Chapter 15: Busted!

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Felicity returned back home from yet another date with her lovely girlfriend.

She immediately went to her bed and laid down on it, sighing happily. It's all she's been doing lately. She was really happy with how her life went these days. She had everything she always wanted.

She and Amelia had been dating for a couple of weeks now. It was still a secret, though Felicity was pretty sure her parents knew about the relationship.

Amelia had told Felicity she couldn't come out with their relationship just yet. She was still battling her uncle and the Crown to get full control over her kingdom. Apparently, it has been very difficult for her. Felicity often wanted to visit her and help her out, but Amelia had declined every offer.

Amelia hadn't visited Felicity's room either. She was welcome in the kingdom and Felicity's parents wouldn't mind Amelia visiting, but she never did. Amelia and Felicity preferred to have their secret meetings, it was more romantic and more special that way.

But after every date, when Felicity would return back home, she kept wondering what would happen later on. What now? When will they finally be together? When will they get married? When will they move in together? And how would that all play out?

Felicity was the one who was wondering the most about those kinds of things. When she'd express her feelings and thoughts about a possible future with Amelia, Amelia simply shrugged it off. She wanted a future with Felicity, that was clear, but she wasn't really making any plans. And Felicity hated that, she hated not knowing what the next step was.

"Well, you're late," Louisa entered Felicity's room, right behind her was her husband. Louisa walked to Felicity's bed and sat down on it. "Aren't you going to tell us where you were?"

Felicity looked from her mom to her dad. "I've been out."

Louisa looked at Alden. Alden looked at Felicity, he was getting really worried, unlike his wife. "With Amelia?" He asked.

Felicity sighed as she sat up. She crossed her arms, as if shielding herself to any judgment her parents might have. "So what if I did?"

Alden was taken back by his daughter's reply. He had noticed how Felicity had changed throughout these past few weeks. He wondered why.

"How is she?" Louisa asked, she sounded more interested, less judgmental.

Felicity looked at her mom, she was happy her mom wasn't going to be annoying. "She's been having a hard time with her uncle and the Crown, they keep doubting her leadership," She shook her head as she thought about Amelia. "I wish I could help her."

Louisa reached for Felicity's hand. "Don't worry, Fe, Amelia's been raised by the strongest woman we know. She'll manage to figure this out herself."

Felicity stopped and thought about what her mom had just said. The strongest woman we know... Did her parents know Amelia's mom? If so, how? They never met, they never talked. Amelia's mom would always send a spokesperson to deal with those meetings...

"Just be careful," Alden continued, pulling Felicity out of her thoughts. "The Southern Kingdom has very strict rules regarding their royals. If you and Amelia get too close, things might get very difficult."

Felicity slowly nodded but kept wondering about how her parents knew so much about that kingdom despite never have been there...


Amelia entered her room through the window. Over these past few weeks, she has learned how to climb up the castle in a safe manner. And that way she won't come across certain people who'd demand an explanation...

When she was in her room, she took off her jacket and put it on her dresser. She then let out a breath.

"Where did you come from, at this hour?"

Amelia held her chest as she got taken back by this encounter. "Lorena," She tried getting her breathing back to normal. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I heard a noise so I decided to check it out," She then walked closer to Amelia. "Where did you come from?"

Amelia gulped, she knew she was busted but she had to make up an excuse. "I just went for a walk."

Lorena raised her eyebrows. "At this hour?"

Amelia gulped once more, she felt herself getting red in her face. It wouldn't be long before Lorena would figure out the truth. "Yes, you've got the best air at night."

Lorena crossed her arms as she gave Amelia a look. "Do you really think I believe that?"

Amelia stayed quiet, hoping for a miracle at this point.

"Were you meeting up with someone?" Lorena then smiled a bit. "Someone you like." She nudged Amelia gently.

Amelia couldn't contain her smile. Every time she thought about Felicity, she smiled.

"Aww, you're dating someone?"

Amelia looked down, blushing.

"Do I know this person?"

Amelia kept looking down.

Lorena took Amelia by the chin and made her look at her. "Do I?"

Amelia shrugged. "Probably."

Lorena then looked at Amelia's neck. She reached for something, but Amelia retreated just in time. "What's that?" She pointed towards Amelia's neck.

Amelia placed her hand over the thing Lorena wanted to see. "Nothing," She paused before adding: "It's personal."

Lorena stopped and gave Amelia a look. "Personal?"

Amelia nodded.

"Well ok," Lorena then looked down, signalizing she wasn't going to push this subject any further. Just then Amelia nodded and released the thing again, but that was exactly what Lorena wanted. She reached for the thing herself and then gasped. "Who gave you this necklace?"

Amelia gulped.

"It's gorgeous," Lorena then looked from the necklace to Amelia. "Did your lover give you that?"

Amelia sighed but slowly nodded.

"That's so cute," Lorena smiled until she saw something on the necklace that gave her more information than Amelia had wanted to. "The Northern Kingdom."

Amelia, feeling busted even more, was shocked. "What?"

Lorena motioned to the necklace. "It has the symbol of the Northern Kingdom," She then looked Amelia in the eyes, wanting to know the real truth. "You're dating a Northerner."

Amelia gulped, unable to defend her case against all the hard evidence against her. "It was a gift, from the King and Queen."

Lorena, in disbelieve, shook her head. "You wouldn't fight me to hide that, you wouldn't wear it like that." Lorena looked away, seemingly thinking.

"Lorena," Amelia said, gaining Lorena's attention. "I know this isn't what we're supposed to do," She started to which Lorena nodded, agreeing with her. "But I really like this person."

"Is your lover a Northerner?"

Amelia gulped. "I don't think I need to answer that anymore."

Lorena nodded and then walked away, towards the door again. She was about to leave when Amelia stopped her.

"Lorena," Amelia said to which Lorena listened, she didn't look back. "Can this stay between us, please?"

Lorena sighed but nodded, before leaving the room.

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