Chapter 18: Bad news

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Felicity let out a breath as she was seated on the blanket at the meet-up. She looked around, at the beautiful view she had, but was growing impatient. Where was Amelia? Why wasn't she here yet?

Felicity wondered if maybe she got cut off by something, maybe she needed to attend a meeting. But it was 10 at night, that'd make no sense...

Felicity looked down, she started feeling sad. She felt like Amelia left her. Maybe Amelia didn't like her as much as she thought.

She waited for another hour before getting up. She made her way back up and to her horse. It was clear that Amelia wasn't going to show up anymore.

Felicity rode home. She was trying to convince herself that there must be a logical explanation for this. Amelia wouldn't dump her like that, she wouldn't hurt her like that. There must be something else. But why didn't Amelia send a bird, if that was the case?

She arrived at the castle and got off her horse. She went straight to her room, hoping to see a bird with a note attached to its leg. But unfortunately, there was nothing.

"Hello Fe," Louisa entered Felicity's room. She had been waiting impatiently for the return of her daughter, she knew that they'd have to celebrate the engagement. "How did it go?"

Alden got in the room as well, though he was less excited. He wanted his daughter to be happy, but not with Amelia. It'd be too difficult for either of them, too dangerous.

But Alden and Louisa's moods and thoughts completely vanished when they saw their daughter tearing up.

"Fe," Louisa pulled Felicity in for a hug. "What happened?" She looked at Alden, motioning him to come closer.

Alden sat on the other side of Felicity, holding her as well. "We're here for you."

"Did Amelia say no?" Louisa asked, suspecting that that was the reason why Felicity was so upset.

Felicity pulled back, wiping her nose in the process. "She didn't show up," She started to which her parents' eyebrows raised. "She wasn't there," She looked at her mom, then her dad, then back at her mom. "Why wasn't she there?"

"Oh Fe," Louisa pulled Felicity back into her, holding her closer than before. "I'm sure there's a very good reason for that." She then looked at her husband, and they shared a look. They were both worrying, not only for their daughter, but also for Amelia.


"Morning." Felicity said as she entered the dining room. She took a seat, right in front of her parents, and sighed. She looked around the table and started grabbing the food she wanted to eat.

Louisa and Alden kept looking at Felicity, they were worried about her. She had been crying a lot last night, until she fell asleep.

"How are you feeling?" Alden asked.

Felicity stopped grabbing food and shrugged. "I don't know," She looked down. "I keep telling myself that there has to be a logical explanation for it," She then looked up at them. "But wouldn't she have sent me a note then?"

"She will," Louisa sighed as she caressed Felicity's hand. "Don't worry."

"Yes, everything will be alright." Alden smiled.

Felicity smiled slowly, she appreciated her parents' support. "Thank you."


After breakfast, Felicity went back to her room. She said she'd write a note to Amelia, because she was worried.

Alden and Louisa smiled until Felicity was out of the room. Louisa looked at Alden. "What do you think happened?"

Alden shrugged. "Could be anything," He sighed. "A meeting, family gathering, a trip..." He looked at his wife again. "Or worse."

Louisa gulped. "I hope she'll send a note to Felicity fast, so we can finally breathe again."

Alden nodded and took a sip of his cup of coffee.

"Uhm... King and Queen, something happened." Carl said, gulping. He seemed about ready to start crying.

"Carl," Louisa got up, walking to him. "What's wrong?"

"What happened?" Alden asked, also walking to Carl.

Carl handed them a role, the news of the day. "This just got in."

Alden looked from the role to Carl, then he looked at the role and opened it. And there, in big black letters were the following words: "Princess Amelia was found dead near the castle."

Louisa immediately started crying while Carl tried his best to comfort her. Alden, on the other hand, was devasted yet again. How could two Queens be killed in the same month? Mother and daughter, both murdered.

Then his thoughts went back to his own daughter. Felicity will be heartbroken when she hears this...

Alden looked at his wife. "We have to tell Felicity, before she hears from someone else."

Louisa kept on crying while Carl kept on comforting her, trying his best to help the Queen.

Suddenly a door opened. "Mom," Felicity walked towards her mom. "What's wrong?" She asked and then looked at her dad. "What's wrong? Why is mom crying?"

Alden gulped, trying to muster the words to tell this horrible news to his daughter. News that'll break her, without a doubt. But he couldn't, he just stood there.

Felicity looked back at her mom, she hadn't seen this reaction ever. Whatever happened, it must've been terrible.

She looked at her dad, and then noticed the role of news in his hand. It must've been something in the news, she thought. But then she got worried, what would be so bad that her mom cries so hard?

She took the role from her dad, who didn't really fight her, and read the horrible news about the one she loved.

Tears started rolling over her face as she dropped the role. The ground seemed to vanish from under her feet. Her heart seemed to stop beating, because it was dead. Amelia was gone.

Felicity stormed off, back to her room.

Alden saw it all happen, but wasn't able to react. He was simply too paralyzed by this news. And his wife, well, she was still crying.

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