Chapter 4: A 'gentle' push

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King Alden was having breakfast with his wife, Louisa. They were trying to move on despite worrying about what'll happen next. They really hoped that the peace will last between both kingdoms.

Louisa sighed. "I know we're not in the mood, with recent events happening, but what are we going to do for Felicity's birthday?"

Alden looked at his wife and suddenly realized that he almost forgot his daughter's 18th birthday. His little girl was becoming an adult.

"Maybe a party?" Louisa suggested. "Or a dinner?"

"Maybe we should let Felicity choose," Alden started to which Louisa slowly nodded. "She'll rule soon enough, she should know how to make the right calls when it comes to celebrations."

"She'll throw a party," Louisa smiled, knowing her daughter would like to have fun before taking on the task of becoming the next ruler. "Maybe we can ask some of our friends?"

Alden nodded. "Good idea."

"King, Queen," Butler Carl entered their living room in a hurry. He held a newspaper in his hands and was waving it around. "You have to read this," He handed it to King Alden. "This just came in."

King Alden took the newspaper and read: "Princess Amelia is set to take over her mother's throne." He then looked up. "Amelia will rule?"

Carl nodded. "And Prince Piers will be her advisor. They made a fuss about it though."

"What do you mean?" Louisa then asked. "She had to be the next ruler, she was born to rule."

"I know," Carl then sighed. "But you know how our Southern neighbors are, they don't like Amelia that much."

"Idiots." Alden mumbled.

"Anyway, she'll rule." Carl smiled then. "Should I arrange a meeting with her?"

Alden looked from Carl to his wife. They were both wondering if they should already propose that to their neighboring kingdom. Wouldn't they come off as too pushy if they did? But maybe Amelia would appreciate that?

"Let's wait a little," Louisa decided. "Give her some time to adjust to her new life."

"As you wish." Carl then bowed and walked to the door.

"Carl," Louisa said, making Carl stop before leaving the room. "Can you send these for me?" She asked as she handed him letters.

Carl looked at the letters before looking at his Queen. "Yes, my Queen." He then bowed again, and left.

"What were those?" Alden asked Louisa when Carl had left.

Louisa smiled. "The invitations for Felicity's 18th birthday party."

"But we just came up with the idea."

"I thought about it before." Louisa then got up, kissed her husband and left the room. She walked to Felicity's bedroom. Before entering, she knocked on the door. "Felicity?" She then entered slowly, as to not scare her daughter. "Fe?"

Felicity sat up, giving her full attention to her mom. "Yes?"

Louisa went to sit down on her daughter's bed. She caressed her daughter's leg. "How are you feeling today?"

Felicity immediately noticed her mom needed something from her. "What is it?" She smiled.

Louisa smiled too. "You know me too well," She then leaned in closer. "You know you're almost 18."

Felicity nodded.

"And when your dad and I were that age, we were already married and were expecting you..." Louisa trailed off, hoping her daughter understood what she was trying to say. "In other words, your father and I would like to urge you to meet people."

Felicity sighed as she laid back down again. To her, this wasn't news. Her parents kept pushing her to meet people, to start a family, to create a strong royal family. But she wasn't interested, she knew her purpose was more than that.

"Fe, please."

"Yes, mom." Felicity then turned on her side, looking at nothing in particular.

"I'm counting on it," Louisa then stood up. "You know, it'd be the perfect day if you'd find someone on your 18th birthday."

Felicity looked at her mom. "Mom, that's in 3 days," She sat up. "Where am I supposed to find someone?"

"Maybe on your birthday party."

Felicity laid back down. She gave up.

"Think about it, Felicity." Louisa said before leaving Felicity's room.

Felicity sighed once more before getting up. She walked to the window and looked outside. She watched her people. She saw the farmers working on their fields while their wives were attending the animals. She saw people walk around the town, socializing with one another. And then she saw kids playing around, running around without boundaries. She wondered how that must feel. Just running around without someone always following you around.

Then she looked at the Middledes Woods, a forest that divided her kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. She often had wondered what would happen if she'd travel all the way to the Southern Kingdom. Would they know who she is? Would they welcome foreigners? Would she see Southerners?

The Southern Kingdom was just within view. The kingdom was often hidden behind fog and clouds, as if even the universe didn't want Felicity to see the other kingdom. But the more the kingdom was being kept away from her, the more she got intrigued. The more she wanted to know more about it. It was calling to her.

She knew one day, she'd get there. Whether it was dangerous or not, she'd go.


"Where did you go to?" King Alden asked as Louisa sat back down next to him.

"To Felicity," She took a cup of coffee of a serving tray Chandler had brought her. "To remind her what we expect from her."

Alden put his cup down so he could focus on his wife. "I know Felicity needs to find her partner but let's make sure she's happy too, okay?"

Louisa then smiled. "Of course," She leaned back a bit. "I'm just making sure she doesn't stop looking."

"Just don't push her," Alden took his cup again, taking a sip of his coffee. "You know that might discourage her."

"I know," Louisa then looked at Chandler. "Can you check up on Carl? I need to know if those letters were sent to everyone."

"Of course." Chandler bowed and then left.

Louisa looked at Alden. "I'll stop pushing her, she's old enough to make her own choices now."

"Absolutely," Alden smiled again, he sighed. "Our little girl has grown so fast."


Hey everyone

Sorry for the delay, I was having some internet issues today...

I do hope you enjoyed :)

- LxT4ever

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