Chapter 16: Breaking the law

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Lorena knocked on the door of her dad's room. She waited until he gave her permission to enter his room.

"Lorena?" He said as he saw his daughter enter his room. "What's wrong?"

Lorena noticed he was in a meeting with the Crown, probably to arrange some things. She wondered if this was a good time to talk to him.

"Hey," Piers got up and walked to his daughter. "Are you ok?" He asked as he caressed her cheeks.

Lorena nodded. "I need to tell you something," She paused for a bit, but then added. "Something very important."

The Crown, now also interested, got up. "What is it, Princess?" Ernest, the leader of the Crown, asked.

Lorena looked from the Crown to her father. "Amelia is seeing someone."

Piers raised his eyebrows. "She's seeing someone?" He asked to which Lorena nodded. "Dating someone?"

Lorena once again nodded. "I caught her coming home from a date."

"How does she manage to walk out of the castle at this time?" Lord Ernest asked.

"She uses her window," Lorena explained. "She climbs up and down the walls."

"But that's dangerous!" Lord Brock said.

Lorena nodded. She noticed that what she was saying, was actually worrying the lords which proved that they did care about Amelia.

Lord Ernest sighed, he seemed deep in thoughts. "We'll have a talk with the Princess," He then looked at the other Lords and nodded. Simultaneously, they all left the room. "Thank you for telling us, Princess." Lord Ernest then closed the door.

Piers looked from the door to his daughter. "What else is there to this story?"

Lorena gulped, almost unable to say the next few things out loud. "She's dating a Northerner."

Piers's initial reaction was disbelieve and anger, but then it changed into happiness. "Perfect!" He exclaimed as he sat down on his bed.

Lorena was left confused by that. "What do you mean, dad?" She went to sit down next to him.

Piers looked at her. "What happens when a ruler breaks the law?"

Lorena looked at her dad then she looked away, thinking. "They get punished," She then looked at her dad again. "Or they get banished. It depends on the severity of the crime."

Piers nodded. "No person in this kingdom will want a ruler that's involved with Northerners," Piers then got up, smiling even more. "Amelia has practically given us the opportunity to get rid of her." He then looked back at his daughter. "And for us to get what belongs to us."

"The throne?"

Piers nodded to which Lorena smiled. "It'll be ours before you know it," He then walked closer to his daughter. He wrapped his arms around her. "I have a plan, but you have to keep quiet."

Lorena slowly nodded, determined to help her father succeed.


Amelia got up, after a short night's sleep. She was starting to feel to loss of sleep, but she didn't care. It was worth it. She loved seeing Felicity every evening, she wouldn't give it up for anything.

But mornings were terrible. Getting up and getting dressed for yet another day of faking until she'd be able to see Felicity... It was difficult. At least she had the whole day to look forward to something great.

Amelia was done getting ready. She was about to leave when suddenly a servant entered the room. The servant bowed, as a sign of respect, and then got up. "The Crown asks to see you, Princess."

Amelia sighed. "Ok, thank you."

The servant nodded and left as fast as he could.

Amelia took a few deep breaths before making her way to the council room. On her way over there, she was thinking about what this could be. Did they want to talk about border control again? Last time, Amelia declined the new rule despite everyone voting for it. She was even more disliked because of that...

Maybe it was something completely different, maybe something good. Then again, she couldn't see the Crown saying anything positive to her.

When she arrived at the council room, she stopped right in front of the door. She took a few more breaths, trying to calm herself down, before entering the council room.

"Hello," She said to all of them before taking a seat at her throne. "You asked to see me?"

All of them nodded but ultimately looked at Lord Ernest, as he was the leader. "Princess, it's come to our attention that you're involved in dangerous practices."

Amelia raised her eyebrows. Involved in dangerous practices, what does that even mean? "I'm not doing anything illegal," She said, but then suddenly remembered her relationship with Felicity. Would that be counted for as illegal? "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lord Ernest immediately noticed the Princess putting up a defense. Princess Lorena had been telling the truth... "We know you are meeting up with someone, at night."

Amelia's eyes widened before she could hide her shocked expression. She knew she was busted, and she knew they knew. "I..."

"We don't agree with this, Princess."

Amelia sighed. Of course, they'd be against this...

"If you've fallen for someone, you take him or her in and we meet them." Lord Ernest went on, surprising Amelia. "We approve or disprove of them, then you either get married or you don't."


"That's how it works." Lord Terrence, the youngest member, said. All the others nodded, seemingly agreeing with him.

Amelia shook her head in disbelieve, suddenly she seemed to understand why her mother was never in a relationship with someone. Maybe Amelia's father wasn't good enough, maybe they rejected him.

"Princess," Lord Ernest said, gaining Amelia's attention again. "We need to meet your lover before things can be serious."

Amelia, confused and in disbelieve, got up. "I don't have to take any of this." She hurried out of the council room. She immediately ran up to her room. Once there, she closed her door and sat down on her bed.

She took a few deep breaths in and out, trying to calm down.

She looked at the bird, at her window. She walked to her desk and wrote a quick note to Felicity. She attached it to the bird and let it fly to the Northern Kingdom.

She watched it fly away until it was out of sight.

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