Chapter 22: You need to rest

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Every day, Felicity sat at Amelia's bed. She was waiting impatiently for her love to wake up, she wanted to be there when she did. She wanted to be the first person Amelia would see and talk to.

Though when days passed, she started worrying. Why wasn't Amelia waking up? Why did it take her so long? Why didn't the nurses do something to help her?

And she wondered, how would Amelia be when she'd wake up? Would she even remember what happened? Would she be herself? Would she still love Felicity?

"Fe," Louisa let out a deep breath. "You have to get some rest."

"Your mother's right, Felicity," Alden sighed as well. "You haven't had a good rest for a couple of days."

Felicity kept looking at Amelia, she never stopped to look at Amelia. It's like she's been in some sort of trance. And her parents were very worried.

"Fe, please." Louisa said, her voice breaking a bit as she couldn't take seeing her daughter like that.

Felicity didn't move. "I need to be here," She squeezed Amelia's hand again. "For when she wakes up."

"We have nurses watching her 24/7," Alden got up and walked over to his daughter. He put his hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention. "They'll watch her while you get some rest."

Felicity nodded slowly, her parents were already getting some hope, but then she looked back at Amelia. "I have to be here."

Alden and Louisa sighed but decided to go. They were exhausted too. They had been spending days at Amelia's bedside as well, but couldn't deal with the fatigue anymore. They had hoped that Felicity would join them, as nurses and doctors were always nearby. 

They simply wanted Amelia to wake up, so Felicity could finally rest. But Amelia hadn't shown any signs of waking up. She was in a deep sleep, one that'd give her body time to heal up, doctors said. But Louisa and Alden were starting to wonder and worry, what if Amelia wouldn't wake up?

"How's the Princess?" Carl asked as he welcomed Alden and Louisa in the hallway of the bedroom. He had just cleaned up a bit.

Alden shook his head while Louisa looked down.

"What's wrong?" Chandler asked, now entering the conversation. "Did something happen?"

"No," Alden sighed. "And that's the problem, nothing's happening, nothing's going on. She's just laying there, motionless, in peace," He paused before saying: "And Felicity's sitting next to her, hoping for her to wake up soon."

"She's falling apart," Louisa sniffled. "I can't see it anymore."

"She really loves Princess Amelia," Chandler said to which Alden and Louisa looked at him. "She made that very clear to me."

"We know," Louisa wiped her nose. "But this isn't a life anymore."

Alden nodded in agreement, then he looked at his wife. He noticed how exhausting she was, how emotional she was and just how badly she needed to rest. "Let's get some rest, shall we?"

Louisa nodded as she held on to Alden. They went to their room together and slept, for the first time in days.


Chandler walked to the nurses' room. He knocked gently on the door before entering. "Princess?" He looked at the bed and saw Princess Amelia and Princess Felicity, both sleeping next to each other.

Chandler smiled as he took in the beautiful sight of two lovers, sleeping peacefully next to each other.


Chandler looked at his right and saw Louisa and Alden at the door opening. "Yes, My Lord and Milady?" He bowed a bit.

"What are you doing here?" Louisa asked.

Chandler looked at her, noticing how much stronger and energized she looked compared to these past few days. "I was checking up on Princess Felicity, Milady."

Louisa and Alden entered the room and looked at the bed. Upon seeing their daughter sleeping next to Princess Amelia, they smiled.

"She's sleeping," Louisa let out a breath of relief. "Finally."

Alden looked at the nurse that just entered the room. "How long have they been laying like that?"

The nurse looked at the bed, smiled, and then looked at Alden. "The princess got in around 3 this morning, she must've been exhausted."

"She needed it." Louisa said to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"Is there any news?" Alden asked Chandler and the nurse.

"We heard nothing from the Southern Kingdom so far, My Lord," Chandler responded. "Though we know what to expect this time around."

Alden sighed and nodded before looking at the nurse.

"No," The nurse said. "Nothing. Amelia's not responding to any signals."

"What does that mean?" Louisa now entered the conversation. "She'll wake up, right?"

The nurse sighed. "I don't see why she wouldn't, but none of us expected her to sleep for this long."

"Isn't that her body's way of healing up?" Chandler asked to which Louisa nodded.

"Yes," The nurse looked at Princess Amelia. "But it's been a long time to heal." She then looked at Alden and Louisa, seeing their worried expressions. "But don't worry, she'll wake up soon." She smiled a bit before going to Amelia.

"What are you doing?" Louisa asked, already coming closer to watch the nurse.

The nurse opened Amelia's eyes, checking them. She then closed them again and got back up.

"Well?" Louisa asked impatiently.

The nurse looked at them. "She's still not conscious."

They both sighed then.

"I'll come back later." The nurse then left the room.

Alden and Louisa looked at each other, sharing a moment, while Chandler walked closer to the bed. He got a closer look at Princess Amelia and Princess Felicity, then he smiled. He saw the way Felicity was holding Amelia, the way she was protecting her even while she was asleep. It was beautiful to look at.

Suddenly Felicity moved a bit, showing signs of waking up.

"Good morning, Princess," Chandler said softly to which Felicity indeed opened her eyes. "I hope you had a good rest."

Alden and Louisa came closer, both looking at Felicity now. "It's good that you slept a bit," Louisa smiled at Felicity. "You needed it."

Felicity slowly got up, stretching in the process. "I didn't realize just how much I needed it," She then yawned before looking at Amelia. "Is there any news?"

Alden and Louisa shook their heads while softly sighing. "Her body's still healing up."

Felicity nodded while looking at Amelia. She reached for her hand and held it in hers, squeezing it gently. "Good morning, my love." She then leaned in to kiss Amelia's forehead and cheeks.

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