Chapter 25: The discovery

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"Good morning," Louisa and Alden entered the nurses' room, where Amelia was staying at these past few days. They looked around and noticed the bed was empty, Amelia was gone, but Felicity was seated at her regular spot. "Where's Amelia?"

Felicity looked up. "She went to the bathroom, she'll be right back."

"And who's with her if you're here?"

Before Felicity could clear up things, the bathroom door opened, revealing Amelia. "Good morning," She slowly walked back to her bed. Felicity helped her lie down comfortably. "Nice to see you two." She smiled as she had regained a comfortable posture.

Louisa and Alden walked closer. "You're able to walk again?"

"Mom, dad," Felicity rolled her eyes. "The doctors said she needed to rest a few days to heal up. She's been resting for almost 2 weeks."

Amelia chuckled a bit.

"So you're doing fine?" Louisa asked as she sat down next to Amelia.

Amelia nodded.

"Tonight, she'll sleep in my room," Felicity said to which Amelia reached for Felicity's hand, holding it in hers. "In my bed," Felicity then kissed Amelia's hand. "I can't wait."

"Me neither."

Alden and Louisa shared a look before looking at the girls again. "Just sleeping, right?"

Amelia blushed while Felicity chuckled. "Yes, mom, just sleeping."

Louisa let out a breath of relief while Alden looked away, he felt the awkwardness of the conversation.

Amelia looked at Felicity. "Can you help me walk to your room?"

Felicity immediately got up. "Of course," She then presented her arm, which Amelia took to lean on. "Careful."

Amelia slowly got up again, she grasped Felicity's arm pretty tightly to help her up. Seeing how difficult this went for her, she realized she was far from healed up. She needed to rest more, but thankfully she could do it in Felicity's room.

"Will you two be ok?" Alden asked as they watched Felicity help Amelia walk out of the room.

"Yes," Felicity replied, then looked back at her parents. "Can you two inform the nurses that we're in my room, in case they need to check up on Amelia?"

"Sure," Alden replied but saw they were already gone. "We'll do that." He then sighed. "They're moving too fast."

"I thought they were pretty slow. Amelia clearly needs to rest some more." Louisa nodded, agreeing with what she was saying.

Alden sighed again. "I meant in their relationship," He then shook his head, remembering how Felicity and Amelia were behaving around each other. "They're taking too many steps at a time."

Louisa shrugged. "I don't see any problems."

Alden looked at his wife, he was dumbfounded. "They're going to sleep together, Louisa."

Louisa sighed. She looked away. She didn't want to think about it, but she also knew that her daughter and Amelia would go too far too fast.

"We have to do something, don't we?"

Louisa looked at Alden again. "I think we should support them," She paused, looking at his facial expression. "We both know they were meant to be."

Alden shrugged before leaving the room.

Louisa sighed and left the room as well, she followed Alden back to their living room.


Amelia sighed. She was bored. She was grateful and happy to be in Felicity's room, in Felicity's bed. But she was so bored. She was done resting, yet Felicity wanted her to rest more.

Felicity had left, she had to attend a meeting with her parents and some advisors. But because of that, Amelia was left alone.

She looked around the room. She noticed so many differences compared to how her room was back home. For example, many family portraits and drawings. Looking at those drawings, those portraits, it made her feel weird. She never had that, her room (or castle) wasn't decorated with countless drawings of her and her family. She doesn't even have a drawing or portrait of her mom...

Amelia sighed. She had nothing left from her mom. She used to have the castle, the throne, the crown... Now she had nothing.

Amelia got up and slowly walked towards those drawings. She smiled a bit as she looked over all of them. She loved seeing Felicity grow up in those drawings, from a baby until now. It was great.

She then wondered, would there be more in other rooms?

Slowly, she made her way out of Felicity's bedroom. She looked left and right, both hallways seemed to go nowhere. What side should I go to?, she thought. She ultimately decided to go right.

As she was walking down the hallway, she looked around, taking in the building. It was so different here. Especially the rooms, they're so homey, so cozy. The hallways, however, are like a labyrinth.

She passed by a door on which there was a golden necklace attached to the doorknob. That immediately drew her attention. She walked closer. In doing so, the door opened, revealing a beautiful room.

Amelia slowly got in. She looked around and immediately noticed this room was bigger, more decorated, more expensive than Felicity's room. This had to be her parents' room, she thought.

She turned around and then noticed the many portraits on the shelves. Portraits of the little family throughout the years.

Amelia smiled a bit, it was refreshing to see such a loving family, such a great bond. But then her smile dropped.

She walked closer to a portrait. Something was odd about this portrait. It looked like there was something behind the frame. Amelia looked at the door, making sure no one was coming in. She then looked back at the frame.

She gently got it off the wall. Thankfully the frame wasn't too big, so she could easily lift it.

She carefully got the portrait out of the frame and indeed, there was something else behind it. Another portrait. There were three people on here: the King, the Queen and...

Amelia's eyes widened, she held in her breath as her world seemed to crumble underneath her feet.

She gulped as she took another glance at the portrait. This isn't possible, she thought, this is fake.

She blinked again and again, trying to wake up and see the real portrait, but nothing changed. The same three people were still on the portrait, and Amelia knew this wasn't meant to be discovered. This was meant to be hidden. But why?

She gulped as she carefully put the portrait aside. She got the other portrait, of the family, in the frame again and hung it on the wall. She then left that room, going back to Felicity room.

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