Chapter 7: I don't know how I feel

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"When you really like someone, even their name starts giving you butterflies..."

Amelia sighed deeply. She looked at the ceiling of her room while she thought about her mother's words. She wondered if that was really the case, if so, would she really like her? Would she really like Felicity?

Ever since they had kissed, everything changed. For her, at least. It's like the kiss sparked something within her, it's like a fire warming her up from within herself.

She always believed romance, as they talk about in stories, didn't exist in real life. Her uncle lost his wife when Lorena was only 1 year old. And Amelia's own mother had never mentioned her father, Amelia never knew what had happened there. So for her, romance didn't exist. Until she met Felicity.

But after the kiss, Felicity was pretty absent. She didn't say anything about the kiss or about what happened between them, she simply escorted Amelia back to the ballroom.

Amelia was upset but ultimately didn't expect anything else. She thought it was a one-time thing, a simple 'slip up' between two princesses. So she quickly pushed the situation aside and met up with her family.

"Amelia," Vincent entered the bedroom and saw Amelia lie in her bed, seemingly thinking or daydreaming. "Amelia?"

Amelia blinked a few times and then noticed Vincent in her room. She sat up. "Morning."

"Morning? It's almost lunchtime." He sat down on her bed and looked at her, wondering. "Where were you all morning?"

Amelia looked down. "I was thinking about yesterday," She then looked at Vincent. "Was it a success?"

Vincent then smiled. "Of course, it was." He scooted closer to her. "Are you having doubts?"

Amelia shrugged.

"Well don't," Vincent then wrapped his arm around Amelia. "You did an amazing job."

Amelia smiled a bit but then looked down.

"The King and Queen liked you, the meeting went well, our alliance is good." He smiled reassuringly, trying to comfort her. "You did well."

Amelia smiled too. "Thanks."


"Have you seen Felicity this morning?" Queen Louisa asked her husband while they were seated in their living room.

King Alden thought about it, then realized he hadn't seen his daughter all day. "I haven't," He then looked at his wife. "Where is she?"

Louisa scooted closer to Alden. "I think something happened, last night."

Alden raised his eyebrows. "Like what?"

Louisa shrugged.

Alden looked away. "Maybe she didn't like her party," He then looked back at his wife. "Maybe it was a bad idea."

Louisa shook her head. "That's not it," She sighed. "Something happened during that party."

"What do you mean?"

She looked at him, wondering if she should tell him. "I noticed Felicity wasn't at her own party," She then looked away. "She came back to the ballroom towards the end," She then looked at her husband. "With Amelia."

Alden didn't know what to say to that. He knew that them meeting up would be special to Felicity, but he couldn't stop wondering if their meeting wasn't as pleasant as he thought it'd be.

"Something happened between them," Louisa went on. "You noticed how Felicity was last night, she's never as passive as yesterday."

Alden remained silent.

"And Amelia wasn't acting the way we had expected her to act," Louisa looked at Alden. "Or am I just imagining things?"

Alden sighed before looking at Louisa. "I've noticed too."

Louisa nodded before looking around. "Chandler?"

Chandler immediately arrived, as he was always nearby. "Yes, Milady?"

"Can you get us Felicity?"

"Of course, Milady." Chandler bowed before hurrying to Felicity's bedroom. Though when he arrived, he was surprised to find the door locked. "Princess?" He knocked on the door a few times. "Princess?"

He looked around before using the extra keys he had gotten. Emergency keys, the King and Queen would say.

He opened the door and then entered the room, then he gasped. "Princess?!" He ran to the open window, he looked outside and noticed a rope going all the way down.

Chandler ran back to the King and Queen as fast as he could. When he arrived, he had to take a moment to catch his breath.

"Chandler? What's going on?"

He looked up at the King and Queen. "It's the Princess," He said, immediately gaining their attention. "She ran away."


"Where were you?" Louisa asked her daughter after the guards found Felicity in the Middledes Woods. "We were very worried."

Felicity looked away.

Louisa looked at the guards and Chandler. "You can all go, we'll handle it from here." She said as she motioned to herself and her husband.

When everyone left, Alden closed the door to Felicity's bedroom and then sat down with his wife and daughter on Felicity's bed.

Louisa looked at Felicity. "Fe, what's wrong?"

Felicity shrugged, she didn't look up at her parents. She didn't feel like talking. She just wanted to be left alone.

Louisa looked at Alden, hoping he knew what to do. Alden looked at Felicity. "Did something happen?"

Felicity looked at her dad. The way he asked that, made her feel better. He seemed genuinely worried. She simply nodded.

Alden and Louisa exchanged a glance before looking at Felicity again. "Did Amelia have something to do with it?" Louisa asked to which Felicity looked away more, confirming Louisa's thoughts.

"I hope nothing bad..." Alden said to which Felicity shrugged. "What happened, Felicity?"

Felicity sighed deeply before looking down at her fingers. She was playing with them, thinking about what had happened last night. "I took Amelia up to the lookout," She started to which her parents nodded. "We talked."

"Well that's good, isn't it?" Louisa tried.

Felicity nodded. "Then we kissed."

Louisa and Alden's eyebrows raised. "You kissed her?"

Felicity shrugged. "We kissed each other, it was a mutual thing."

"And uhm..." Alden cleared his throat before continuing: "Do you like her?"

Felicity sighed. "I don't know," She then finally looked up at her parents. "I don't know how I feel. I know nothing can happen between us, and I don't even know her that well..." She sighed once more. "But I can't stop thinking about her."

Louisa then slowly smiled. "You have a crush on her."

Felicity looked down. "I don't know what to do."

"Invite her over," Louisa said to which Felicity and Alden looked at her. "Talk about it."

Felicity nodded but looked down again, wondering if that's really what she should do. She knew that even if Amelia would return those feelings, they could never be together.

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