Chapter 23: Wake up

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Mom? Is that you?

Listen to me, honey. You need to wake up.

Mom, I don't understand.

Wake up. Felicity is waiting for you.

I don't understand. Where is Felicity? Where am I?

It'll all make sense soon, honey. Stay with Felicity, she's a good person. Don't ever listen to your family or the Crown.

Why not? They're family, aren't they?


Mom, are you there?

I don't understand, please answer.



Amelia slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times as she tried adjusting her vision. She noticed it was dark around her. She also noticed she didn't recognize the room she was in. This was an unfamiliar space, it was too quiet here. She should be hearing people chatting, horses walking by the castle, and staff in the hallways. But instead, she heard nothing.

Then she heard quiet snoring. She looked around, mainly next to her, and saw Felicity. Felicity was sleeping at Amelia's left side, her head resting on Amelia's chest. Amelia smiled immediately upon seeing that.

Stay with Felicity, she's a good person; she remembered her mom saying that. Was that a dream? Or was that really her mom?

Amelia looked up at the ceiling. She was trying to remember what her mom had said in her dream. What was that about her family and the Crown?

Amelia let out a deep breath and closed her eyes a bit. When she breathed out, she felt a sting in her belly.

Amelia looked down at her belly, she noticed bandages wrapped around her. Then she remembered: the two soldiers, the knife, the slow crawling towards safety and then everything went dark.

She suddenly started breathing heavier. Anxiety took over and that's when Felicity slowly woke up.

Felicity slowly got up, rubbing her eyes, and then noticed Amelia's heavy breathing. "Amelia?" She caressed Amelia's cheek. "I'll get help." She got up and hurried outside. "We need help!" She shouted.

Immediately a doctor appeared, as they were always nearby. He entered the room with Felicity and went straight to Amelia. "Breathe slowly, Princess." He gestured her when to breathe in and when to breathe out. And gradually, Amelia's breathing started to slow down. "That's better."

Felicity smiled as she went to sit down next to Amelia, she caressed Amelia's cheek again. "It's so good to see you again." She said quietly.

Amelia looked from the doctor to Felicity, smiling. "I missed you."

Felicity's heart made a little jump at that. "I missed you too, so much." She leaned down to kiss Amelia's cheek. "I'm going to take care of you." She said as she looked deeply into Amelia's eyes.

Amelia slowly nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

"We'll have to keep you here for a few more days, Princess," The doctor said, gaining Amelia's and Felicity's attention. "Just for your safety."

"Of course," Amelia smiled at the doctor. "Thank you, for all you've done for me."

The doctor bowed and then left the room, giving Amelia and Felicity some time alone.

Felicity looked at Amelia. She caressed Amelia's cheek again, seeking some comfort. She couldn't begin to describe how thankful she was that her love was still here, with her. She would forever cherish the love she feels for Amelia.

"What are you thinking about?"

Felicity looked at Amelia. "About us," She looked down, taking Amelia's hand in hers. "How I never want to lose you again."

"You won't," Amelia looked at their joined hands. "I had decided, before I got attacked, that I wanted to be with you," She said, making Felicity's heart melt even more. "I chose for you, I still do."

Felicity scooted closer. "I promise that we'll get justice for you, and your mother."

"What do you mean?" Amelia blinked a few times. "What justice?"

Felicity looked down, gulping. She tried to form a good sentence, a good way to inform Amelia about her treacherous family and government.


She looked at Amelia again. "Your uncle personally paid those two soldiers to kill you," She squeezed in Amelia's hand a bit. "He wanted you dead so he'd have the throne," She paused before adding: "And my parents believe he might be responsible for your mother's murder as well."

Amelia looked away, letting the new information sink in. She thought about what her mom had said in the dream, if it was even a dream. She thought about the way she was treated by her uncle and the Crown. Then it all clicked. She looked at Felicity, shock and sadness were displayed in her eyes.

Felicity immediately noticed Amelia's expression and pulled her in for a hug, gently though. "We'll figure something out. Together."

Amelia slowly wrapped her arms around Felicity, holding her close to her. "Thank you."

The door then opened, revealing Louisa and Alden. They entered the room, alongside Chandler and Carl.

Felicity gently backed off, out of the hug, to look at her parents and butlers. "She's awake," She said, though everyone could clearly see that. "She's doing well."

Amelia smiled as she looked at everyone that had entered. "I'd like to thank you all for helping me."

Louisa walked closer to the bed, sitting down right next to Amelia. "Of course," She took Amelia's hand in hers. "We had to help you, sweetie."

Amelia gently smiled. "Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" Alden asked, he stood in front of the bed alongside the butlers.

Amelia slowly nodded. "I'm fine," Then she looked at the bandages around her waist. "Considering that."

"I told her we'd get justice for what has happened to her," Felicity said, determined. "They'll pay for what they did to my love."

Amelia smiled at Felicity. "It's so nice of you that you want to avenge me, but don't get consumed by revenge."

"Of course not," Felicity then kissed Amelia's hand. "You come first."

"Do you remember what happened?" Carl asked Amelia.

Amelia looked at him. She slowly nodded. "Seeing the bandages, when I woke up, set everything off." She gulped. "And my mom talked to me, in my dream."

"Your mom?" Louisa asked.

Amelia nodded. "Before I woke up, she was talking to me," She paused, trying to remember correctly what her mom had said. "She told me to stay with Felicity," She then looked at Felicity. "Because you're a good person."

Felicity smiled. "I'll make sure your mom will be proud of me then."

"Good." Amelia smiled as she leaned in closer to Felicity, lying peacefully in her arms as the others were smiling at her.

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