Chapter 3: The meeting

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"Never accept anything less than you deserve. Remember, you teach people how to treat you."

Amelia remembered her mom saying that to her. Her mom knew how people were treating Amelia, she knew they thought less of Amelia because she's a bastard. She tried everything to clear Amelia's name, but to no avail.

And so, every evening before bed, she talked to Amelia. She tried to support her daughter, to make her feel loved, to get her confident. She tried to get her strong.

"Amelia," Vincent came in Amelia's room. "Are you ready?"

Amelia was still seated on her bed, thinking about her mom and the countless lessons she taught her. She wished she remembered all, she tried to remember all.

"Amelia?" Vincent walked to Amelia and sat down next to her. "Hey," He wrapped his arm around her. "It'll be alright, they won't take your birth-right."

Amelia sighed. "Says who?"

"Me," He smiled at her, gaining a small smile from Amelia as well. "They'll respect your mother's last wish."

"I hope so," Amelia then got up. "Let's go, I suppose."

Vincent got up as well. "I'll be there too, you're not alone in front of them." He took Amelia's hand, holding it in his. "If they're too harsh, look at me."

Amelia smiled a little. "Thank you, for everything you're doing for me."

Vincent smiled and then followed Amelia to the meeting room in the castle. The meeting room was the room the Crown (aka the government of the Southern Kingdom) and the ruler talked about the kingdom. It was the room where all the important decisions were made. And today, it was no different.

Vincent and Amelia arrived at the room. Right before going in, Amelia stopped. She looked at Vincent. "I appreciate what you're doing for me but, in there, I'll take care of myself."

Vincent nodded, realizing this was exactly what his aunt would've taught Amelia.

They both entered and immediately noticed everyone was already there. Vincent went straight to his dad and his sister, sitting with them.

Amelia walked to the spot her mother used to sit at, the seat of the ruler.

She sat down and watched as everyone eyed her. She knew they didn't like seeing her on that throne, she could see their disgust in their eyes yet she ignored it. She wouldn't let go of her mother's legacy.

The Crown sat around the ruler's seat, 3 on each side. The family of the ruler sat on the other side of the table. That's where Amelia used to sit, with Vincent's family. But now she was the ruler, or at least she thought so.

Lord Ernest, a member of the Crown, got up. "We welcome all of you to an emergency meeting," He then looked at Amelia. "Princess, our condolences for the loss of your amazing mother. She'll be missed dearly."

Amelia simply nodded.

He looked at the whole table now. "Our Queen has fallen, and now we have to figure out what direction we're going to take with our kingdom." He looked at Amelia again. "Because you're Queen Cassandra's only child, you'll inherit the crown and the throne."

"Isn't she too young for that?" Lord Brock, a member of the Crown, said. His question gained a lot of agreeing noises. It looked like many believed Amelia wasn't ready to rule yet.

"Maybe we can give her an advisor," Lord Robert suggested. "Someone who knows how to rule," He then looked around before his gaze ended on Prince Piers. "Like Prince Piers."

Piers smiled, he nodded. To him, this was a unique chance, the chance he had been waiting for. "I could take over, I could rule."

Amelia gulped, she suddenly felt like she was losing what belonged to her. "But my mom would want me to rule after her."

Piers glared at Amelia, he wasn't having this. He knew she would get the throne, by birth-right. But it didn't feel right to him. "You're too young, Amelia," He looked at the Crown. "I'll take over from here."

"No!" But Amelia wasn't having this either. "Mom wouldn't have wanted that," She looked at the Crown. "And you all know that."

"Amelia, - "

"It's still Princess." Amelia gulped, she felt like they didn't respect her the way they respected her uncle Piers and his children. They always called them Prince or Princess. But they often called Amelia by her name.

Lord Ernest didn't look pleased and Amelia feared she might have gone too far. But before she could say anything, he went on. "Princess Amelia, we agree with Prince Piers that you're too young to rule."

"But I'm 16!" She looked around. "I'll be able to handle it, I do agree that I'll need an advisor. But I want to follow in my mother's footsteps." She looked at each and every lord. "Please."

They all exchanged a look before looking at Princess Amelia. Lord Ernest got up again, speaking for all of them. "You'll rule, but Prince Piers will be your advisor. He'll also take on the responsibility to support you with anything you need."

Amelia looked at her uncle. She was glad she could rule but worried that her uncle would be her advisor. She didn't trust him enough, she felt that something was up with him. She looked at Lord Ernest. "Can't any of you be my advisor instead?" She asked but soon realized that sounded bad towards her family. "I don't like getting family and business mixed up."

Prince Piers felt yet another hit on his ego. Not only did the Crown dismiss his offer to rule, but now his niece was dismissing him as her advisor. "I'll support you, Amelia, like I supported your mother."

Amelia looked from him to the Crown, hoping any of them would take over the task. But unfortunately, no one came forward. "Ok," Amelia looked at her uncle. "We'll make this work."

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