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"All right now, for an over view of past year. Next up is classwork battle. Are you prepared to take the top spot, Karma?" Korosensei asked.

"Gee I dunno. Idiots like me don't understand hard stuff." karma laid his back a bit.

"For your first-term midterms, I gave the goal for everyone of making the top fifty. I apologized for that. I'm too impatient for results, and I didn't count your opponent being so strong. But things are different now. You have matured in brain and spirit. In any plot or setback. With heads held high, you will all come in the top fifty, you will receive tickets back to the main campus, and you will graduate as the E class." Korosensei's motivate the class as a preparation for theil end-of-term exam.

"It's not as easy as you think the A class have a new teacher- you won't believe it is the Principle Asano himself." Sugino expose the socking information.

"So that what it comes to." The octopus wisely analyse the new information.

"Honestly, I want no part of his brainwashing education. His weird charisma, controlling people with word or a glance... His teaching skills put him on par with our mach-20 korosensei." The said octopus shrieked chomping on a cloth.

"If his their teacher...They probably lost the will to defy him." Mimura continued trailing of the sentence.

"All but one..." Aiko murmured thinking how the boy survive being his son.


The E-class was on their way home, but a certain figure caught their attention.

"Huh? It's Asano." kayano gestured to the figure leaning against a pillar.

"What do you want? You're not the kind of guy who'd run recon on us." Sugino started. Asano turned lowering his head.

"It pains me to say this... but I have a request.I'll cut to the chase. That monster...I want you tokill him. Not physically of course. Kill his educational policies." Asano's sweat dripped down the side of his face.

"Kill his educational policies? Like, how?" yada asked.

"Easy,I want you 3-E to dominate the top spots in the next end-of-term exams. I'll be in first, of course, but excellent grades mean nothing coming from an excellent student." He took a few glance at Aiko. Aiko took notice and gave him 'are u forgetting about my place?'

"For a detritus like you to show up the A class, though that's how we ruin his stance on education." The strawberry blond continued.

"Asano I've heard about the chilly relationship between you two. Are you saying... you want us to deny your father's methods and turn away from him?" kataoka doubt clearly exist on her expression.

"Don't misunderstand. 'Be strong enough to kick even your father down.' Or so I've been thought... Now It's time to put it into practice. I don't know about anyone else, but that's our relationship." He explained

 "But that's not the case for other, lesser student. Right now, A class is hell.With their E class hatred their only support, he's making them study beyond their limits! If they win like that...it'll be the only method they trust from now on." The class listen tentatively looking this side of Asano Gakushuu's point of view.

"Sometimes defeat can...open some eyes. So please: show my friends and my father a proper defeat." Asano bowed a bit.

"Huh? Is this the time to be worried about someone else? You're not taking the first place- I am." Karma went to his side and poked his tongue out. Aiko elbowed his side to which he returned to a proper poster.

Cold Red  (Karma X Oc 'assassin') ACWhere stories live. Discover now