L AND R- time

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Irina sensei was teaching them the everyday conversation in English. Like normal Aiko is half spacing out looking at her note book with some drawing and doodling here and there.

"Kimura, you try." Irina sensei demanded.

"R-really." He said.

"Nope your Ls and Rs are a mess.The Japanese tend to have  a hard time telling these two apart.I can still understand you, but it feels wrong.Don't run from your weaknesses.Overcome them! To that end , I'll be checking your pronunciation regularly from now on,and if you screwed up your Ls and Rs...I'll punish you with a french kiss in the public." She continued her long lecturing to them.


Aiko put her head on the table looking all tired.

Aiko put her head on the table looking all tired

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But then someone bothered her.Karma was next to her and with a smirk he softly blew to her ear. Aiko notices this quickly attack him with her about to punch him on the face but he dodges it. 'Fuh... That was a close one.' He thought.

"What do you want? I'm tired for once leave me alone...." She opened her right eye.

" Well aren't you going to practice your Ls and Rs? Do you want a free french kiss from your sister?" He asked sitting on his chair.

"I don't need any practices I can just said them fluently..."Aiko brought her head up and stretch a bit around her head and shoulders.

"Really~ Then try saying it."Karma didn't believe her.

"Really...Just what do you want?" Aiko asked.

"Well just teasing you.I'm bored that's it.Well do you have any idea how to do?."He continued playing with his pen around his finger.But then Aiko stand from her place and went out of the classroom.

"Oi! Where are you going?" Karma shouted the last one.But Aiko didn't replied him.She sensing something ...'I hope I'm not right...' She thought.She ran and saw a known face from a far.

"Oh there you are Aiko..."Aiko walked close to him and bow as respect.But then Lovro walked away with anti korosensei knife.

"What happened nee-san?" Aiko asked to irina sensei.

 "You think I'll be easier to handle than any new assassin Lovro brings in, right? Well I'll show you!" Irina stomped off then look at Aiko.  

"Hmph..."She puffed out that to Aiko. Aiko were mentally shocked.

"Lovro said that you did a better job on killing me off then her..."Korosensei explained a little.

Irina sensei and lovro still attempting on killing Karasuma sensei. And int he end Lovro drop out from the challenge. While in the classroom Aiko kept on looking through the window where Karasuma sensei always eat his lunch.

 While in the classroom Aiko kept on looking through the window where Karasuma sensei always eat his lunch

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P/S ...Imagine that she was a flat chest so ignore it...

"What are you looking at Aiko? " Karma came from behind her.Aiko pointed where she was looking at. 

"If it was me who was hunting him I probably already assassinate him by now."She said.

"Really~Hey check that out, Nagisa-kun. And now one woman draws near.Bitchy sensei is going for it."He said.

"I still don't get it why do you called her that?..I'm going to watch it from a close distance.." Aiko said walking out of the classroom .

"I'm coming with you..."Karma said and continue to follow her.


"She did it..."Aiko sighed as a sign of relief.

"Oh well, we all know that she can do it. After all...It was from your help~"Karma also said in relief. Aiko stunned.

"W-what are you saying?"Aiko turn her head looking anywhere beside him.

"You're the one who help her figured this all out right?~I saw it from the other day."Karma said he was a little annoyed because she won't look at him in response.So he  put a hand next to her to stop her from moving.

"Karma do you want me to punch you cause I have found a perfect place to punch you

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"Karma do you want me to punch you cause I have found a perfect place to punch you..."Aiko said while her hand is aiming for his chin.

"Whatever you won't even do it..."Karma leaned closer, this make Aiko suffocated and quickly she jumped of the tree.

"Then I'll do something else..."Aiko said proud of her self.But then a pair of hand s grab her from the back.

"Aiko~ I did it I can still kill the octopus! Yay!~"Irina sensei hugged her until she can't breath.

"A-air I-need air..."Aiko said can't breath. Irina sensei apologized Aiko cough out and saw Lovro sensei smiling at her before disappearing.


korosensei wanted to watch a movie at Hawaii and it turned out to be one of Karma and Nagisa's   favourite movie The name is Sonic Ninja...

"Well then,I guess I.ll be off."Korosensei was about t flew when some body called them.

"Korosensei!Please...take us with you!"Nagisa pleaded while karma stand next to him.

Aiko was walking to go home when suddenly someone called her name...

"Aiko! want to come with us to watch a movie ?" Nagisa asked.

"I'm fine you guys go on...Bye."She said turning away and walked away.


To be honest I don't have enough idea to continue this that's why it was short.Anyhow the next chapter will be coming up later so keep on reading .

Cold Red  (Karma X Oc 'assassin') ACWhere stories live. Discover now