You Have My Heart At Least For The Most Part

Start from the beginning

By the time Matt showed up to pick me up for lunch, I was starving. I looked up when I heard a knock at my office door. He walked in and smiled brightly.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said as I stood up and grabbed my phone off my desk.

"I see how it is." Val teased as we walked toward the exit. "You're mad at your boyfriend so you're taking mine to lunch." She laughed.

"Yours is also cuter." I joked.

"You wanna be the third wheel babe?" Matt grinned as he leaned in to kiss his girlfriend.

"I would but I have deadlines I need to make. Your lunch date here is kind of a nazi." She said as she made eye contact with me and smirked.

""You'll pay for that later." I said in a mocking serious tone.

"Have fun guys." She waved as we walked out the door.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated immediately. He had made reservations. I was thankful that there wasn't a lot of paparazzi either. I found their presence to be irritating and disruptive.

"So." I said after taking a sip of my soda. "What's the occasion?"

"Really?" He grinned.

He had the most adorable dimples and a gorgeous smile.

"Yes. Really. I know you. You brought me here for a reason." I said raising one eyebrow.

"Well......" He sighed nervously. "You're right. I had something I wanted to tell you."

I felt my stomach tie up in knots. I was nervous. I had no idea what he was going to tell me. I was worried it was something to do with Nick.

"Well?" I asked sounding slightly more desperate than I intended. "Spill!"

"I asked Val to marry me." He smiled.

"Oh my god!" I said, genuinely excited.
I immediately stood and hugged him across the table. "That's amazing! When?"

"Last night. She said yes." He added proudly.

"Why didn't she tell me!?" I asked still stunned by the announcement.

"Because I asked her not to. I wanted to tell you." He explained.

"I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you." He smiled.

We continued to talk as we ate lunch. I was genuinely excited and happy for the both of them. It also made me feel sad. It made me sad because I realized that Nick and I would probably never find that kind of happiness, at least not with the way things were now. It all seemed kind of hopeless to me. I wanted what Matt and Val had.

When we finished lunch, he brought me back to the office and I immediately buried myself in work. I needed a distraction. By the time I had finished working, it was late. I checked the clock and had Natalie call my driver. I had one last appointment for the day and I'd been looking forward to it for a couple months. I knew the second I saw her, she'd make it all better..


It had been a while since I had last saw Demi. We kept in touch, but phone conversations and text messages weren't the same as physical contact. The band was currently on hiatus and they didn't really have a timeline as far as far as the next album went. Demi and Johnny spent their time traveling and messing around with people on social media. They were both quite hilarious. Surprisingly, they managed to stay out of trouble.

She had messaged me about a week ago asking me to pick her up from the airport. Usually I'd have someone else take care of it, but I wanted to surprise her.

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