Therapy Session

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Dr. Phil: ok *sits down* what seems to be the problem

Prince: For starters Doc, a nigga over here starving. Finna waste away and shit. I ain't see no concession stand, no lunch table, no nothing. A nigga need a drink, a nigga is parched and I think that's kinda wrong how y'all ain't got no food in here for a nigga.

Dr. Phil: Well Jacob, this is a business office. That's not really professional.

Prince: well, having a throat as dry as Roc's lips isn't professional either.

EJ: Prince, we aren't here to eat.

Ray: yeah Prince, we are here to discuss the problems within the group. See Doctor, this is what we are talking about.

Doctor: I sense you guys don't like what Prince does, vent. * Pulls out note pad *

Ray: WELL for starters, he eats EVERYTHING like we have to go to the store 17 times every week then he always complain about EJ eating his stuff like get the fuck on.

Prince: * turns to Ray * um excuse me Mr. Crooked Dick, Always Want To Talk About Some One Eating Something ass bitch. I only eat all the food because 1, EJ does eat all my stuff, I'm anemic - I need to eat or you would hear me bitch and complain all the way to the hospital, you bastard. And for 2, Its food. Get the hell over it, you act like you pay for groceries, I ain't never seen you ever hold a bill unless its at a restaurant and you are trying to pass it to me, Mr. Broke Ass. Stop complaining about me eating and actually learn how to gain some weight, you fucking stick. You are like a Nala twin.

EJ: 😧

Roc: 😧

Dr. Phil: 😧

Ray: oh yeah, did I mention his attitudes?

Dr. Phil: oh gosh, Jacob, you have a very colorful vocabulary..

Prince: I've heard

Dr. Phil: Any other problems with Jacob?

EJ: yeah....

Dr. Phil: oh god... Go ahead *gets pen and notebook*

EJ: I hate how Prince unfollowed me on Instagram like I only have 94k followers....My fanpages have more followers than me

Dr. Phil: *stops writing* why don't you have a lot of followers?

Roc: cause he's a new member

Ray: yeah cause he's new

Prince: y'all so fucking fake, y'all know damn well everyone unfollowed him when they saw his nudes

Dr. Phil: what nudes?

Prince: he got caught sending naked pictures and they were mad bogus.

Dr. Phil: but didn't Ray's nudes get out?

Ray: yeah but mine were actually good *whips out phone* see *shows the doctor his nudes*

Roc: y'all niggas gay.

Dr. Phil: why is it curved? Is that a medical condition? Is it contagious?

Ray: no I was born like that!

Prince: I have a theory on how that happened tho.

Dr. Phil: what is it?

Prince: I think it was back in the '#1 Girl' days , we lifted him up to flip, he flipped off the stage, broke his arm, we took him to the hospital, he was on the stretcher and me and Roc were - *gets cut off*

Dr. Phil: it's Roc and I 😌


Dr. Phil: 😌

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