Media Takeout

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Um, I would like to submit this picture into Media Takeout,

What's the pictures of?


They are pictures of Roc Royal smoking marijuana .

What's the story behind it?


Well, it all started in like October 2013 when I was cooling, thinking of tattoo ideas in my head when Walter called me up to the meeting room and was all like "we need to talk to you" and I was like sup, I thought he was finna talk to me about my superb performance at the Kids Choice Awards 2013 but naw he was complaining about me bringing my son, I mean baldheaded daughter to work every Friday & Saturday but he don't realize that's those are my days when I get to have my kids like, I hate talking to work but my momma won't watch after them cause she too busy buying all the gel from every Walmart & every online Dollar Store & my dad said he ain't gone watch my kids and I was like Alright, you black bastards, I'll have my bros do it , well after I asked Roc & Ray and they said no, I asked Prince & he said alright so I went to this awards ceremony, it was on Instagram called the WordPress awards and my baby Savv was in it and I had to be there for her when she won, but she ain't win so I went to go get my son, I mean my hairly challenged daughter and I went to Prince house and my son, I mean my daughter with a fade, was tied up on the roof and I asked Prince what had happened , he said he ain't running a full time day care center up in his house so I took my son, I mean my low cut having daughter to work and after she accidentally peed in Walter's hand , he fired me cause he thought I was taking advance of my career like naw, I haven't even went there yet so while I was packing my bags, I said I was the Beyoncé of the groin & everyone else was the Michelle's & that I was Michael Jackson when they were Tito & I think they must of heard me say that cause they changed the locks on the doors and windows. I made a song called Anyone Out There Wanna Be My Valentines and it got 1 milly....complaints. They loved it tho like fr , I sold my album called Ramen Noodle Unicorn Dreams, featuring Charm with our hit single, Lost Nudes , now the times are bad & that nobody wanna buy my album, I'm forced to live in the C of the Conjunction house's sign cause Savv kicked me out cause I stayed at the unemployment center , trying to get signed up fa link & she thought I was cheating . So I'm trying to get my spot back.

Naw. But I meant the Roc Royal story..



Hey , aren't you Prodigy?



Mindless Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora